would you marry a girl who slept around

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Its not about being flawless and perfect. The things you seem to believe and the things youre worried about come from a place of toxicity! Actually the fact that she has been with a few guys before settling down makes me feel special to be the chosen one. For example, marriage is beautiful union however,You can get married but,, marriage does not mean you are barred from temptation nor does it mean forever. And Im not certain what state your from but getting divorced is not easy. People shouldnt be so quick to judge others. Sin is sin is sin. All statistics show that, you instinctual disgust by it is natural because only guys that avoided dirty women like that managed not to be cucked and got to reproduce, science just confirmed what we knew long ago 19 is so, so young. that doesnt mean that they should deny themselves regular sex of a relationship and it doesnt make them sl*ts or *ssh*les but at least there confident and enjoy themselves. Ok. You can choose to believe what you want, naturally. If you are a woman and you want to get married, you need to be smart about your dating. o___O #dead Now those are some REAL double standards.com! If your just hitting it no big deal. assuming they're not self-destructive (no, "lots of sex" isn't automatically self-destructive), in my experience, they're not only better and more adventurous in bed, they're passionate, supportive, loving, kind, and ambitious. The fact that men are completely excused from this behavior while women are chastised for it left and right is just amazing to me. To me there was no perfect guy except for in fairy tales and even then some of the princes had problems. She just revealed something from her past and instead of embracing who she is today you are making a choice to hold it over her head and view her as the woman she once was. I just wanted to share so that some man one day can know hes not alone. I am giving my perspective on why they should not judge the woman solely on her past. We can talk for hours and hours about pretty much anything and not get bored of each other. Ironic that you accuse someone else of being too lazy to link you to a study that you can just look up yourself, but didnt, because you werewelltoo lazy. Now i am hurt. Notoriety. My guy friend in #1 is doing exactly that. Now, I have many days where I just tell myself to avoid the shame and anger of what my decisions were and just live as a single person for life, including total abstinence. See I do not expect for anybody to be with someone that does not share some of the same core values that they have. Its not. Would you REALLY want to buy that car after you heard that? And i was the very faithful one by the way which meant nothing to that loser Ex wife of mine at one time. I checked out this study and there is so much I can say. What a feminist wet dream Maybe it should not matter but it does. There is much I could say as to the real reasons why many men, possibly such as yourself, cannot deal with a woman who may have once been promiscuous in her past. The world is hard on us women. Thank you for your writing this article. Have you heard of Google? Instagram. Men are different shapes and sizes therefore I beg to differ. intimacy enough. She has actually opened a dialogue with me about the fast girls. Sometimes, you will find an option you had never thought or wanted to explore is something you really enjoy! I know plenty of beta men who choose to date promiscuous womenusually because they settle, or realize they cant do better. it. You already know what the homies are saying. You could now be infected with some genetic disease that doesnt even run in your family. I'm not sure if she has cheated in the past and while I want to ask that could come off in a really bad way which I want to avoid. If nothing else you There is not much left. Yes he was obviously more attractive than you, 'Just have girls asking you for 3somes, why isn't every guy doing this? If they have changed and you feel some sort of potential, give them a chance. someone, you want to not only know about who they are, but who they Does my ex-gf and her bf want a thruple with me? So when a man does commit, he wanted to ensure that the woman he was investing his time and resources in was bearing his own children so that his genes were the ones being passed on and not other other mans child. What if she was sexually abused, and that contributed to an attitude that made her very carefree with her body. This post also feels like a way to almost look for what I want to hear i.e. And no, I have not slept with more than 10 women and yes I am 30 yrs old so I swear to you that it can be done. So when women say that having sex with lots of men is somehow acting like men, they are wrong. When we dont heal from our past and address our issues we will likely set ourselves up fro more problems later. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The higher sexual partners has a correlation but I do not believe it is truly the cause. Dont judge. I really dont care whether you believe the truth of the matter or not, as I dont care whether you believe in evolution, gravity, or anything else. Its become a trend now for premarital sex to happen but some girls don't approve it. relationships because they are so used to casual sex that theyve My question ishow well do you believe your clever and sincere explanation will hold up while trying to explain it to Him personally? Man I wrote a whole paragraph on this stephan you a bitch wheres my comment ? Wouldnt you want One should not strive to be perfect. Problem is you cant take that back, youre just hoping they pop out the same number lol. I respect everything you just said. To people who are in love with someone that has had sex with What would Jesus do? I like her a lot cause she is smart, funny, outgoing, pretty, and we just have the exact same sense of humor and get along better than I do with almost anyone in my life as we're really similar people. During this time in my life I was searching for love but going about it in the wrong way. old.) over 100 is just obvious, whether you see yourself as having a modern approach -Gray areas is what is causing problems now That is one source, directly addressing the issue. As it relates to this post I believe that a woman's number of sexual partners does matter for a few reasons. I asked her to swear on her deceased grandfathers grave and on our relationship to tell the truth and she swore it was 11. the point is about understanding that who someone once was isnt always who they are now. We all make mistakes, but many of us do learn from them and move in a better direction. You can choose to disagree but believe it or not there are a lot of men with women they know have a past and are in great healthy relationships. Never trust someone who doesnt change within those 10 years. My opinion, the past is what shapes us, it is how we use that and apply it to our future that defines us. Depends on your age. pregnant with other males children, if given the choice. Nope that s*** is nasty cant be with a girl with a body count higher than 4, You made some good points but i dont think its fair to tell someone which criteria they can use when deciding on a mate or not some use someones number of partners while others use looks and others use certain personality traits etc. First, I asked her what she thought. Women should NOT be judged different from Men, however it does matter more with a Woman then a Man, FACT. So importantly, we must take issue with the prevalent image of women as prudish and disinterested in sex. What if I were to continue with her and have kids? Yes, there's a big difference. Either way thank you for allowing me to share . I have recently become single after a twelve year marriage and it hard enough to find someone compatible in thinking,loyalty,honesty, etc, to worry about their past. So does that mean that once you accumulate some baggage that you are stuck with it forever? Why invest your time, emotion and energy into a person who does not share the same sexual compatibility that you do because you naively want to believe that how many people she has slept with doesnt matter. Ask her about how she views your relationship, and what she is hoping it can be. It is as simple as that. Think about if we applied such a infantile By his personality it doesn seem that he is a virgin either. Im gone from a serious thing..dont get me wrong, ill keep her around and have sex with her, but no emotion will be devoted to her. Women never need to work to get sex. The issue is beyond Disease Free, its the type of risk either party has been willing to takerather then except weather they can be Honest. We dont know what that woman may have been going through or her full reasons for her choices. Eventually we grew apart because she was ready to start a family and I was not. Its not like they grew up thinking they will screw as many guys as they can, get married, and live happily ever after. Piggy-backing on your statements, the world would be a pretty boring, lame place if the only differences between men and women were sexual organs. The amount of people Ive had Most of us have things in our past that the next person can view in a negative light. Sometimes the reason the car had a lot of owners is because its a well made car rather than the cars made these days to only last two years before you have to junk it and buy a new one. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. ever since the sexual revolution the chances for marriage in Western society have declined and its exactly because of the easy availability of poontang( and the attitude of divorce court towards men).Should not matter ? If she has had just a single partner before me, it could be hard to find out whether she is still in love. Remember that 50 years ago it was men who mostly had the affairs and was generally accepted that wives take it because boys will be boys. I think a long period of live-in followed by a late marriage (girl around 32) would be effective insurance against separation in the future. Very good point, I may have to edit the post and throw that in somewhere : ). For former redpillers and others who recognize the damage caused by redpill. This post hit the nail on the head!!!!!!! I DO NOT THINK ITS RIGHT for men to sleep around but IT IS NOT MEANT for women tonot even nature exudes such behavior! Location: Melbourne, Australia. My point in the end is although it shouldn't matter, it does. Who has moved forward and disregarded her past. Some religions cut off womens sensitive parts so that she will NOT experience pleasure. I guess it depends how you define tha. Many people and the media would have people believe that women are so I don't see any way that telling her my feelings about this ends well. I just dont think that is ever worth passing on a woman that may be the right woman for that man. Get urself checked and keep ur pants on before u question her!!! Don't throw something good away without really trying to make . (tongue in cheek). I would rather date a Virgin. Women who are virgins when they marry are not usually from liberal Western culture, theirs is a culture that encourages stoning for divorce or infidelity. Most women nowadays like sleeping around with all different kinds of men, and just cant settle for one. Individuals must and should always attend to their home garden and not others. Thank goodness the world is full of people with different view points, and a moderate amount of people who are willing to scratch below the surface. Can it work out with an ex a bit further down the line? When you really love And when your whore whoops I meant wife has a flashback during intercourse and screams calls out Kobe just know, she not cheering for the Lakers. I firmly believe that the more people that you date, the harder that it will be to find love. I dont think anyone is saying (Im not) that a persons number is the /only/ factor is deciding whether or not to take someone seriously as relationship material, but it is /a/ factor, and a major one, for many men. Women can say anything to contradict this to justify their history but I can only imagine if they were out with their husband and a Ph.D. Sex is purely pleasing, its not emotional for me. Even the girl who says she has casual sex without emotions points out the sex she had was with people she was already emotionally connected to, her friends. This is a trite platitude devoid of meaning. First let me say that I really like the advice that you post even though I occasionally disagree with your views, the vast majority of the time (92-97%) I feel that your advice perfectly sums up the solution that is going to bring about the best results. No MAN of Real Men is going to stomach that the woman he plans to be with for the rest of his life has went down on XXX number of men (with her stretched mouth and swollen mouth/lips from all that sucking) and beat up, dried out, damaged vagina from all the banging: Hes a fool if he makes no judgment and a trick at best!!! I believe yours is as well. personal advocate now and then intervening for me. Basically, many women today want to be able to act like a whore while they are younger, and still settle down with a man in a stable marriage once they get their promiscuity out of their systems. I know that might scare you, so you are reacting defensively, but its just the truth. However, you chose to explain a womans promiscuity with abuse, mental issues, and low self-esteem. You are the very reason Stefan was inspired to write this article. You said it in your comment Jeraldelmcclane women who are unable to stay connected emotionally to their husbands. There is simply so much that goes along with the number. 2) Values toward intimacy (If sex is sacred to you and not her sex is definitely less special if you do it with lots of people all the time. Several promiscuous women have said to me that they could be faithful when married and I think that they would. The only position here is dont let the past stop you from receiving and embracing your blessings. Who we once were, is not always who we are now. about their past. Im not condoning it but I think we should keep an open mind about it. But if you only had one burger, that one burger would be your set standard. 70% of divorces are initiated by women because of that reason, so Im curious to know exactly what you attribute the divorce rate to? "Women tend to be more unhappy with the relationship they are in . Or is it just society told you to have a problem with that? reply. If you love sex so much, u can have it with the man you believe will stay with u and you have something serious with, something that will not spoil your name.. Its a bit embarassing.. You, as a woman, are obviously free to care (or not) how many previous partners your man has been with. If woman has had >20 partners, odds of remaining in marriage for 5+ years are measly 20%. I do not disagree with a lot you just said. I do know that there are some who, respectfully, think otherwise. It helps with understanding them fully, but it should not be used to pass judgement in any way. a man after sex, and not valuing her as the woman she is inside. I agree that we should know our partners past so that we may have a better understanding of who they are today. In not an incel, I just don't think hook-up culture will help me become the best version of myself. I have zero interest in dating a woman that has had a double-digit amount of partners. I sometimes dream about it, feel sad etc. Point is though, once you hit above 20-30 people mid twenties it is a bit much either gender. Okay okay, maybe that is a bit extreme. ), in some kind of limbo between trp and pua, not having result yet and feeling rather panicky, a girl comes along and you feel attached to her, you feel super duper extra insecure right now about a lot of things. Much like you are forcing the woman in your life to do, would you rather start out a relationship based on a lie? For example, if your first sexual experience is a violent one, pain could cause you to become numb sexually and emotionally. Since both of these experiences run down the same spinal nerve, it intensifies the feelings. Statistically, men and women who have only had one sexual partner have stayed together longer than others. EXACTLY and guess what: YOU ARE BEING JUDGED for having the wrong amount! Here, we have a beautiful quiz for you. Third, women have the power of their womb. Though there may be a difference in how/what constitutes standard for the individual. Strength and confidence have nothing to do with it in my opinion. YOU HAVE THE SEXUAL POWER, YOU ALWAYS HAVE, stop trying to put men as the sexual power holders, its just dumb. I agree that at the core, this issue stems from control. A woman lies because she knows it decreases her Sexual Market Value. As sad and hard as it seems its true Those who feel the need to take this approach typically have some deeper issues they are not properly addressing. Great article. It matters. Or not. eliminated the need to be selective by being careful in terms of sex, due to You should go ahead and try to remove the word "slut" from your vocabulary. Because mens focus on a Again, have you heard of Google? has slept with. Good luck!! Unfortunately partners that get stuck on whos done more dirty deeds than the other often have deeper insecurity issues than this topic could cover and the insecurities are fueled by the world around them. So I must be doing something right for her to love me. Wear and tear is evident on me too, example what if they give a woman an STDs that wear and tear hun. I also disagree that those people are the ones that cheat. I feel sorry for whoever marries the likes of you. I dont think its for me to judge anyone. If she likes you, trust her in that too. low tiers don't even exist in their world they are completely invisible and when they are forced to notice our existence they don't see us as human they se us as inanimate objects to just deal with and make go away asap they know nothing about what the life of a man is like, This is why they say shit like "why are you guys so upset just use tinder to get threesomes every weekend what's wrong teehee" because every guy who exist in theyre world can do stuff like that. Wow! Independent. In fact, you should give yourself time to grieve the sin (Ecclesiastes 3:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10). As long as you're both safe and clean, what's the harm? -Women also judge in choosing partners. Hah! so much more than women!! The only difference between a 50 yr old with 1 partner and a 50 yr old with 20 partners is how long it took to find the right person. My parents were the hippy free-spirit types who told me that I should enjoy and experience life and do what makes me happy. You also assume that these women who love sex you reserve it for the men they love actually have love prospects. We put our best feet forward, so to speak. Actually this research was proven by a Womens Organization! However, most men will always respect more the woman who has the discipline, self-restraint, and dignity to not give in to the lust temptation juts because shes horny. Some women can have a very low number and be as emotionally damages (if not more) then other women with a much higher number. However, now that Im older and know what love is I dont open my legs as willingly. Embrace that, and keep your focus on why you love her today, not what she was before you ever even knew her. Thank you for sharing that Justina I really appreciate your willingness to do that. Personally I believe that everyone should date whoever they want. One called her a hoe. Whether u regret it or not u did. A study Sarah Mikach and Michael Bailey of Northwestern University looked at the correlation between a woman's sexual partners and . You better believe you can be loved and your are loved : ). If two people are to form a relationship together for life, then honesty and openess is the best policy. And guess what, people arent always completely open and honest or even aware of who they really are when they are beginning to date someone. We will not live forever and we are of the flesh. You can question the theory of evolution, or gravity, or anything else, but your questioning doesnt impugn their validity. Your email address will not be published. Instead, he should feel the love and respect she has for him. Clap , Clap , Clap.. justice itself. I'm not sure how many guys she has slept with partially because I feel like asking that question is a sign of insecurity and I'm trying to avoid showing I'm insecure about it as well as being terrified by what the answer could be. Or, if a man is already with a woman, and he truly loves this woman. Sex often results in emotional attachment for a woman. is out of sync with reality(and they are becoming increasingly aware With a topic as sensitive as this misunderstanding will happen and I appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself. It is so sad, they block love sometimes for all the wrong reasons. I understand the views of all who have chimed in on this topic. Not truly. Itz never been ok for them. Look at that women and realise that being a slut is not what men want. The problem here is that she does not come off like a ho AT ALLshes ambitious, intelligent, fashionable, etc etc. Do you think she Will she affected by my departure? It would make it harder and harder for you to bond in a marriage and eventually be happy. I find guys who sleep around to be disgusting also, but they aren't of any interest to me because I am a straight male. Its not a try, its simply a fact. I myself agree with not judging a future mate depending solely on the number of past partners. Yall remember the movie House Party.when Bernie Mac remembered ole boys wife at the dinner table.smh They use to call you jawbones.lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaao nahhhh.Ill pass on all that. Most of these women are 21-27 years old. I do not think it is worth walking away from a woman you genuinely connect with, but again that is my opinion. All that energy goes to personal projects or commuter games. I mean, come on, theres more to life than sex, right? The vagina is made to accommodate different sizes. Please tell me what has changed at that point. Thats why they say check the Carfax. She is the exact opposite of what my current girlfriend is. I could care less but its true. Here's a revelation: people are entitled to their own judgments. The one that will massage your feet at the end of the day AND bake you fresh croissant! Really man. interact. Men and Women are MADE for the AVERAGE, and able to adjust to the Exception. I was totally promiscuous in the years between my junior year of high school and my first year and a half of college, sleeping with as many men as would opportunity present, which came to total around eight. I personally look at more who you sleep with not how many. Men like to know what theyre investing in is rare. Negative because men come in all different shapes and sizes so the wear and tear would never change when sleeping with the same male 100 times. problem for other potential people you fall for, IF youre lucky and fall for Women did not have the choices they have now and had to abide with the double standard imposed on them. I love this article! Alpha men have choices, and pick of the litter. It would be a lot easier to have a healthy attitude about others sex lives if we can accept our own without pressure to be a certain way by the world around us. Planned Parenthood business is booming. Also, realize that the author is not talking about a woman whos been ridden like the town bike. I just still think we have to evaluate that person for who they are now, or in many cases just trust GOD if you feel he has told you this is the woman for you. I do not expect anything from people. Thank you, Lord, for resurrecting from the dead. Thank you very much. Women have those same urges as well. have the ability to make the best choices for herselfimpulse control Not for who they once were and no longer are. lol Its cool man, I can see where somebody could view it as that. Studs work for every notch in there belt. Not too many women want a man that other women dont want. Im always honest with him about everything but this is the one thing Im taking to the grave. I have always been happy go lucky and respectful of myself. 1) difference between studs and hoes. Well I ask you one thing WHO GIVES UP THE HOLE. or nope that guys never gonna get in me, but ill play him and take his money till something better comes along tho.why not ey ?? Main and women are different for reason and once we start opening up the doors for women to act similar to mens unhealthy actions, Youll start seeing to even higher divorce rate in the future. N women should respect themselves, and men should as well! I can go on for days about this. LOL. I deserve better, and so would my children. According to studies the chance of divorce strongly correlates Continue Reading Lawrence C. FinTech Enthusiast, Expert Investor, Finance at Masterworks Updated Thu She is everything you would want a woman to be, and you feel an awesome connection with her. I dont think u r being objective. thanks but no thanks. You can continue with your exact same position that speaks against it, but there is a way for people to do that without it coming across so negative towards the other. I mean how hard can it be? Remember, "your feelings" are usually a "you" issue, but some are also cultural and environmental. And its not just about the numbers. I have sex because it feels great, no matter Who its with. Its not unusual for women in my age bracket (53) to have had 100 men! If u had slept with a hundred men would u have wanted anyone to judge u? but come on now. One small example would be crying Acceptable for women over many small things, not acceptable for men..I doubt many women would be attracted to guys who cried almost daily over any small thing. Now if she has actually slept with 80% of her male friends and she still associates with them, then I can see where that may be to tough of a pill to swallow. I apologize if it seems I am implying that women who enjoy and have had many sex partners are simply victims of abuse. Also, as far as men losing their home, assets, and children, the flip side of double standards is that it ends up being the mothers responsibility to care for their children and because women either didnt make the same amount during the marriage or she was a stay at home Mom, the assets built during the marriage end up being awarded to her. If she communicates she wants or needs something different than what you want, thats okay. If she is good enough to be with before that number was discovered, then she should be good enough after the fact. Just that the second one gets paid for it? Last I checked, its not easy finding a men to love whom you can then share your love of sex with. Its more than you have. Fast Stream 2023 (Reinstated) applicants thread. I believe this because I have been with someone that had many many partners. Do not lie, but do not get detailed. Don't forget to follow us on social networks! I wouldn't stress it so much had I not have something to compare her to. 3) Psychological and Emotional problems (Most of the time promiscuous people are wildly insecure about themselves and or bad judges of character) Im just curiouswhat is your take on any of your male gender having premarital sex? Feelings of disappointment and hurt will harm your marriage later if you don't work through them now. Having sex with your man . She has turned away from that since, but would you still feel you should hold this over her head? I still disagree with your overall position on the matter. Number lol be more unhappy with the prevalent image of women as prudish and disinterested in sex always been go. 20 partners, odds of remaining in marriage for 5+ years are measly 20.! A double-digit amount of partners have been going through or her full reasons for her to love me n't guy! 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