uchtdorf conference talk

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Take up your cross and follow Him.12. There an elderly woman standing by Dieter's mother in a food line invited the Uchtdorf family to sacrament . May we live in thanksgiving daily18especially during the seemingly unexplainable endings that are part of mortality. In any circumstance, our sense of gratitude is nourished by the many and sacred truths we do know: that our Father has given His children the great plan of happiness; that through the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ, we can live forever with our loved ones; that in the end, we will have glorious, perfect, and immortal bodies, unburdened by sickness or disability; and that our tears of sadness and loss will be replaced with an abundance of happiness and joy, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over.10, It must have been this kind of testimony that transformed the Saviors Apostles from fearful, doubting men into fearless, joyful emissaries of the Master. If we earnestly keep practicing, always striving to keep Gods commandments, and committing our efforts to repenting, enduring, and applying what we learn, line upon line, we will gather light into our souls.10 And though we may not fully comprehend our full potential now, we know that, when [the Savior] shall appear, we will see His countenance in us and shall see him as he is.11, Yes, the world is in turmoil. Some might say, I know a member of your Church who is a hypocrite. You can love and serve His children. Your background or upbringing might seem different from what you perceive in many Latter-day Saints, but that could be a blessing. But would that really be helpful in a global church? Tools. In fact, there is not just one reason that applies to the variety of situations. "Lord, I Believe" - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. Yet Job responded by saying, Naked came I out of my mothers womb, and naked shall I return : the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.5. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf began his Sunday morning conference address by relating the story of a large statue of Jesus that was severely damaged during a World War II bombing of a city. His message was and is a message of hope and belonginga testimony that God our Heavenly Father has not abandoned His children. At the heart of Gods plan for your happiness is your power to choose.7 Of course, your Heavenly Father wants you to choose eternal joy with Him, and He will help you to achieve it, but He would never force it upon you. He is pleading with us to increase [our] spiritual capacity to receive revelation.14 He is inviting us to hear Him.15 He is calling us to follow Him in higher and holier ways.16 And we are learning in a similar way every week in Come, Follow Me. In grief, we can still lift up our hearts in praise. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the pleasant warmth of summer. Elder Stevenson teaches about what a testimony is and the importance of keeping your testimony strong and bearing it in word and deed. The next day, the waiter doubled the bread again, without success. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Saturday morning session of the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Oct. 1, 2022. They are merely interruptionstemporary pauses that one day will seem small compared to the eternal joy awaiting the faithful. No, He would ask you to repentto leave your sins behind, to change, so He can forgive you. At a time when many churches throughout the world are experiencing significant decreases in numbers, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsthough small in comparison with many othersis one of the fastest growing churches in the world. They are part of our progress. The recounting of his youth, and the chaotic wartimes of East Germany - impressed the depth of his trials upon us. He would see right into your heart. We love you, President Nelson, and I encourage everyone everywhere to study and heed your words. Mosiah 4:29. President Nelson affirms the Lords teachings about abuse and testifies that God is the source of all truth. The answer is forward thrust. The Church of Jesus Christ seems to attract the kind and the caring, the honest and the industrious. Specific rules or applications of those principles work well in some places but not in others. It is the work of loving and serving God. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.6. He has proven His love in endless ways, but above all by giving His Only Begotten Son as a sacrifice and as a gift to His children to make the return to our heavenly parents a reality. I have another analogy Im sure every man, woman, and child will be able to relate to. An Offering unto Him Just days before He gave His life for us, Jesus Christ was at the temple in Jerusalem, watching people make donations to the temple treasury. Viewed in this way, our commitment to Jesus Christ would be one of many things we need to fit into our busy schedules. And yes, we have weaknesses. How long are they?, Oh, my, the man said. Elder Zeballos teaches that with the help of the Lord, we can be resistant to sin and temptation and find lasting happiness in this life. In their zeal to stop people from breaking the law, they compiled hundreds of rules based on their understanding of sacred writings. Very few of us will ever be asked to sacrifice our lives for the Savior. Faith is to hope for things which are not seen but which are true.7. What the Pharisees got wrong was that they thought their rules would save them. The Savior answers, Whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God (Doctrine and Covenants 11:4). If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. Some struggle with unanswered questions about things that have been done or said in the past. Invitations President Nelson has given since he became President of the Church By Sydney Walker That movement creates differences in air pressure that give the plane lift. Together with God the Father, He appeared to a 14-year-old Joseph Smith and ushered in the Restoration of the gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ. And I would ask him to invite Jesus Christ into his life, for God is among us! However, there are some who leave the Church they once loved. He would remind you that 2,000 years ago He took those sins upon Himself so that you could repent. But you can manage when you know who you are, why you are here, and when you trust God. Elder Pino suggests four habits to help members of the Church stay on the covenant path. He teaches us to lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better.23, He urges us to seek joy, enlightenment, peace, truth, happiness,24 and the promise of immortality and eternal life.25. Put your trust in Jesus Christ. Believing in God is commendable, but most people want to do more than listen to inspirational sermons or dream of their mansions above.4 They want to put their faith into practice. He also introduces the new For the Strength of Youth guide. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him.2. And the invitation to earnestly seek His will and live by His truths is the highest standard possible! The gospel message they offered transcended politics, history, grudges, grievances, and personal agendas. In his message directed to those of the rising generation, he reminded youth that Jesus Christ is their strength. During the October 2020 general conference, Elder Uchtdorf assured Latter-day Saints that "God will do something unimaginable" as they trust in Him during times of uncertainty and fear. He would know you as you are. Of this I bear my solemn witness as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and leave you my heartfelt blessing in deep gratitude and love for you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Light and knowledge poured forth from the celestial throne. The next day, when the man returned, the waiter doubled the amount of bread, giving him four slices instead of two, but still the man was not happy. Of course not. What qualifies someone to preach the gospel? Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers, Follow Jesus Christ with Footsteps of Faith, Beauty for Ashes: The Healing Path of Forgiveness, Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary. Struggling? I always keep a copy in my pocket, and I share it with people who are curious about our standards. Tragic things. The Lord, through His prophets, has always been guiding us in that direction. 10. Sister Dennis teaches that we should avoid judging others and instead be compassionate and loving toward everyone. My heart overflows with gratitude for my Heavenly Father. When the Apostles recognized the risen Christwhen they experienced the glorious Resurrection of their beloved Saviorthey became different men. Do we need any greater reason to let our hearts be full of thanks unto God?14, Have we not great reason to rejoice?15, How blessed we are if we recognize Gods handiwork in the marvelous tapestry of life. They who wait upon the Lord will be renewed by His strength.12. Even on a windy day, enough lift isnt created unless the airplane is moving forward, with enough thrust to counteract the forces holding it back. There is one thing we can do to make life sweeter, more joyful, even glorious. That is your choice! By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Second Counselor in the First Presidency Regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church. The kind of connection the scriptures describe as being yoked together so that, with His help, you can carry any burden.5. You do not need to see the Savior, as the Apostles did, to experience the same transformation. About Us. He asks us to stand firm with the power of the priesthood in our hearts and souls and give the calling we have at this moment our best efforts. God among Us By Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles God is among usand is personally involved in our lives and actively guiding His children. Romans 8:17; see also Doctrine and Covenants 84:38. Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. They can refine us. Outward appearances would lose their importance. Jesus Christ has very high standards for His followers. Have we not reason to be filled with gratitude, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves? gave his talk in English. And it is bold in describing the blessings Jesus Christ promises those who follow His Way.21, President RussellM. Nelson taught: When your greatest desire is to let God prevail [in your life], many decisions become easier. Some of our dear members struggle for years with the question whether they should separate themselves from the Church. Minutes and hours well spent are the building blocks of a life well lived., We can navigate our way through the darkness and trials of this life and find our way back to our loving Heavenly Father if we seek and accept the spiritual landmarks He has provided, embrace personal revelation and strive for daily restoration.. If you have left the faith you once embraced: Come back again. God is perfect, and His doctrine is pure. You need to know the whys and the hows and then consider the consequences of your choices. At the heart of Gods plan of happiness is the power to choose. Gratitude to our Father in Heaven broadens our perception and clears our vision. True gratitude is an expression of hope and testimony. In this way, we see in our lives a fulfillment of the prophecy of the Apostle Paul: In the dispensation of the fulness of times [God will] gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth: even in him (Ephesians 1:10). They apply to people of every age and in any circumstance. Commandments are opportunities to exercise our agency and to receive blessings. And I speak to all who love our young people and want them to succeed in life. In these moments, I have listened to my beloved brothers and sisters and grieved with them over their burdens. How to distribute your time and energy among your many important tasks will vary from person to person and from one season of life to another. We can choose to be grateful, no matter what. The doubting He would infuse with faith and courage to believe. thou hast the words of eternal life.11. They changed the lives of people everywhere. Elder Rasband gives examples of President Nelson sharing the Book of Mormon, describes how he has tried to follow the prophets example, and invites all to do the same. And so he took a nine-foot-long (3-m) loaf of bread, cut it in half, and with a smile, served that to the customer. But how is this possible? Inspiration Life Help. Two hundred years ago, the Savior again returned to earth. Callings Volunteer and Serve Temples Family History. For over 50 years, For the Strength of Youth has been a guide for generations of Latter-day Saint youth. a revised version of For the Strength of Youth, Church releases revised For the Strength of Youth guide based on principles, agency, See the full text of Elder Uchtdorfs talk: Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth, pilot, captain and corporate executive for the German airline Lufthansa, Elder Uchtdorf, a former refugee, promises Ukrainian refugees in Poland: You are not alone, 2022 Sharing the Gospel broadcast: Invitations from Elder Bednar, Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Cook to love, share, invite, Elder Uchtdorf offers apostolic assurance to FSY participants in Seattle: Your strength is the Savior, Elder Uchtdorf visits Navajo community where the Church is helping bring electricity and water, Elder Uchtdorfs general conference addresses, Read more October 2022 general conference coverage, He met his wife, Sister Harriet Reich Uchtdorf, in their teens while attending a branch in Frankfurt, Germany, soon after she and her family joined the Church. "Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith because all things are possible to them that believe.". And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes. All rights reserved. Elder Johnson teaches that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed of our sins and imperfections. A third reason why people join the Church is because walking the path of discipleship leads to precious blessings. The Savior has very high standards for those who follow Him the highest of which is the invitation to earnestly seek His will and live by His truths. By Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles If we want the Savior to lift us heavenward, then our commitment to Him and His gospel can't be casual or occasional. Those burdened with sin find forgiveness, liberty, and rest. 1. Posted April 5, 2015. It is easy to be grateful for things when life seems to be going our way. This is the way it has always been and will be until the perfect day when Christ Himself reigns personally upon the earth. Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers, Follow Jesus Christ with Footsteps of Faith, Beauty for Ashes: The Healing Path of Forgiveness, Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary. Sister Yee teaches that we are blessed as we follow the Savior on the healing path of forgiveness. You can do your best to keep His commandments. I look back with kindness on the young man I was during my growing-up years. It means that if we want to find balance in life, and if we want the Savior to lift us heavenward, then our commitment to Him and His gospel cant be casual or occasional. Come heed the call of the gentle Christ. And yet He taught them many of the same things He taught in the Holy Land. President Nelson recently spoke of the need for each of us to remove, with the Saviors help, the old debris in our lives. Despite past heartache, each of us can begin again, he wrote. Bad things still happen. Often their grief is caused by what seems to them as an ending. What he should have said is, 'Mormons believe the Bible has lied to us, and everything you read about God is wrong'. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not just one of many things we do. I often have wondered, What would Jesus teach and do if He were among us today? Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.11. But it is wrong to focus only on rules instead of focusing on the Savior. With our heart and soul we yearn to become better with the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. My dear young friends, if the Savior were here right now, what would He say to you? It teaches you eternal truths of His restored gospeltruths about who you are, who He is, and what you can accomplish with His strength. In essence, he's called God a liar. May we allow our souls to expand in thankfulness toward our merciful Heavenly Father. And get pedaling. In light of what we know about our eternal destiny, is it any wonder that whenever we face the bitter endings of life, they seem unacceptable to us? Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, center, gives a thumbs up to a conferencegoer prior to the church's 192nd Annual General Conference at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on Saturday, April 2, 2022. He is your strength. Those who follow this path faithfully avoid many of the pitfalls, sorrows, and regrets of life. Elder Schmitt teaches us that learning about the many names of Jesus can inspire us to become more like Him. 83K views 4 months ago Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks at the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 1-2, 2022. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks in the Saturday Afternoon Session of the October 2020 General Conference. In fact, most of the scriptural references do not speak of gratitude for things but rather suggest an overall spirit or attitude of gratitude. All of His commandments are given to make blessings available to us. And that is very different from the way the world sees you. For the rising generation, I have a message especially for you from our Savior, Jesus Christ. Matthew 14:27; John 16:33; Doctrine and Covenants 61:36; 68:6; 78:18. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this talk, President Uchtdorf shares the powerful lesson that Heavenly Father will never forget us and what we can do to never forget Him. When they read the holy scriptures3 and live the teachings of His prophets, they grow closer to the Savior they love so much. My mother and father shared little about this burden with us four children. (See John 6:28.). Our daily walk with Jesus Christ leads to peace and purpose in this life and profound joy and eternal salvation in the world to come. Focus on your destination. If you could see into our hearts, you would probably find that you fit in better than you suppose. President Nelson exemplified this approach when he taught us about honoring the Sabbath day: In my much younger years, I studied the work of others who had compiled lists of things to do and things not to do on the Sabbath. That really be helpful in a food line invited the Uchtdorf family to sacrament for the Savior they so! Testifies that God our Heavenly Father mother in a food line invited the Uchtdorf family to sacrament President.! Here, and I encourage everyone everywhere to study and heed your.... 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