pro death penalty articles for students

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Robbery Turned Murder: Robert Trease Case . For example, Black people are overrepresented on death row, and a recent study found that defendants convicted of killing white victims were executed at a rate 17 times greater than those convicted of killing Black victims. Does this information change or reinforce your opinion of capital punishment? Web. The 5 th and 14 th Amendments carry express approval of the death penalty: a person may not be "deprived of life, liberty or . The article is very straightforward with little to no emotional appeal. Vast racial disparities in the administration of the death penalty have been found. In the final minutes before the execution was to occur, Mr. Lees lawyers claimed the execution could not proceed because Mr. Lee still had time to seek further review of an appellate court decision six weeks earlier lifting a prior stay of execution. Warren McCleskey, a Black resident of Georgia, had been convicted of killing a white police officer during an armed robbery in 1978 and sentenced to death. In 2020 the rulings of the Florida Supreme Court in several cases reversed existing protections afforded to inmates sentenced to death. For decades, the death penalty has been decreasing around the world, but it hasn't disappeared yet. That cautious step, taken to ensure undoubted compliance with court orders, is irreconcilable with the suggestion that the department rushed the execution or disregarded any law. To begin with, the Death Penalty is mainly known as Capital Punishment. Support for the death penalty also varies across age groups. Jeffrey A. Rosen is the deputy attorney general. 14 Jan. 2015. Governors had placed moratoriums on the death penalty in an additional three states. Republicans and Democrats also differ over whether the death penalty is morally justified, whether it acts as a deterrent to serious crime and whether adequate safeguards exist to ensure that no innocent person is put to death. (Retribution) 3.05: 1.28: 2.88: 1.31: 0.78 The death penalty is a more effective deterrent than life imprisonment. Is it ever justified, such as for the most heinous crimes? More Americans favor than oppose the death penalty: 60% of U.S. adults favor the death penalty for people convicted of murder, including 27% who strongly favor it. As John Duncan was dying of cancer in 2018, he asked family members to promise they would witness the execution on his behalf. Capital punishment has long engendered considerable debate about both its morality and its effect on criminal behaviour. Are there alternatives to the death penalty that you think would be more appropriate? The Fifth Amendment outlines conditions for trying individuals accused of capital crimes and states that no person "shall be deprived of life without due process of law." Why its a good source: Though the article does not include links to the studies and polls it references, it gives substantial statistics and cites where they came fromDuke University study and a Gallup poll. In times of uncertainty, good decisions demand good data. About half of those with four-year undergraduate degrees but no postgraduate experience (49%) support the death penalty. Death Penalty Repeal: Its Necessary to Use Capital Punishment in a Free World. Mic. More than 14,000 people have been legally executed since colonial times, most of them in the early 20th Century. In Expedited Spree of Executions Faced Little Supreme Court Scrutiny, Adam Liptak writes about the recent federal executions: In 2015, a few months before he died, Justice Antonin Scalia said he would not be surprised if the Supreme Court did away with the death penalty. It is a very complex issue, and context on the crime is essential. While public support for the death penalty has changed only modestly in recent years, support for the death penalty declined substantially between the late 1990s and the 2010s. Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of the Centers American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. 2014. Death Penalty. How concerned should we be about wrongfully convicted people being executed? By Liz Mineo. (2001) "Capital Punishment," by Ryan Koder. The use of the death penalty is gradually disappearing in the United States. McCleskey's attorneys argued that his Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated because his race made it statistically more likely that he would receive the death penalty. The Federal Death Penalty Act prohibits the government from executing an inmate who is mentally disabled; however, in the recent executions of Corey Johnson, Alfred Bourgeois and Lisa Montgomery, their defense teams, families and others argued that they had intellectual disabilities. The statistics on racial disparity are all backed up by links from credible sources. Finally, they said in a statement, justice is being done.. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2021. Since the countries that retain this punishment are home to over 60% of the world's population, an essay on death penalty should outline how national laws treat this topic. For death penalty supporters, one major pro is its effectiveness as a crime deterrent. Capital punishment has been a part of American society since before the constitution, however in todays' climate it has become a much more contentious topic. It lists issues such as lethal drug shortages and legal expenses as reasons why the death penalty is losing popularity. One year after the announcement federal executions resumed, and ten prisoners were executed by the federal government in the last six months of 2020. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. What its about: Gillespies article takes a very emotional approach, saying that state governments should protect the lives of all citizens, even convicted murderers. A large majority of White adults without college degrees (72%) favor the death penalty, compared with about half (47%) of White adults who have degrees. 14 Jan. 2015. Explain your answer. A large majority of liberal Democrats (82%) and a smaller, though still substantial, majority of conservative and moderate Democrats (70%) say the death penalty does not deter serious crimes. Why its a good source: This article gives a lot of good statistics and links about public perception of the death sentence and how it has changed over time. Pro death penalty speech essay. By comparison, just 35% of Republicans and 21% of Democrats who oppose the death penalty say it is morally justified. It eliminates sympathetic reactions to someone charged with a capital crime. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Justice requires that society impose on criminals losses equal to those they imposed on innocent persons. As in the past, support for the death penalty differs across racial and ethnic groups. It concludes by stating that the execution of criminals is a deterrent for murderers and ultimately saves innocent lives. And while a majority of Hispanic adults without college degrees (58%) say they favor the death penalty, a smaller share (47%) of those with college degrees say this. Or do you think it should be abolished? Since 1978, California has spent more than $4 billion administering the death penalty, or more than $308 million per person for each of the 13 people who have been executed since the death penalty was reinstated. As you can tell, there are a lot of different types of sources out theresome are emotional, some are dry and factual. It also means using articles from both points of view. This requirement that justice be served is not weakened by charges that only the black and the poor receive the death penalty. DC and Puerto Rico Statehood. During the 1990s, the Supreme Court issued several decisions that upheld the constitutionality of capital punishment and limited defendants' opportunities to have their cases reviewed. Find all of our Student Opinion questions in this column. Have an idea for a Student Opinion question? Oklahoma attorney general Mike Hunter announced that the state would adopt nitrogen gas inhalation as its primary method of execution in March 2018, citing the difficulty in procuring the mandated drugs for lethal injection. The author considers reasons for the decline in capital punishment, as well as how geographical variance impacts the debate over execution as a fair and just punishment. Supporters of capital punishment argue that it deters crime and provides ultimate justice for crime victims, particularly murder victims. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public. The article continues: If Justice Breyer sounded rueful, it was because he had just a few years ago held out hope that the court would reconsider the constitutionality of capital punishment. Toobin, Jeffrey. If you near the end of your essay and dont feel confident that you have enough support, or are just unsure about your grammar, send it to one of the Kibin editors. For instance, nine-in-ten of those who favor the death penalty also say that the death penalty is morally justified when someone commits a crime like murder. Look at the information thats presented and think about what information may be missing that would make it more balanced. Do you believe governments should be allowed to execute people who have been convicted of crimes? Only 15% of Democrats say this. These rulings overturned existing standards for evidence and jury agreement when imposing the death penalty. While 85% of Black adults say Black people are more likely than White people to be sentenced to death for committing similar crimes, a narrower majority of Hispanic adults (61%) and about half of White adults (49%) say the same. Arizona 209 . Adults ages 50 to 64 are most supportive of the death penalty, with 69% in favor. Mic Network Inc., 23 June 2013. The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town (Hardcover) by. The divide in support for the death penalty between those with and without college degrees is seen across racial and ethnic groups, though the size of this gap varies. (Deterrence) 2.73: 1.27: 2.71: 1.36: 0.16 I become angry when a convicted murderer does not receive the death penalty . After the unofficial moratorium on capital punishment ended with the executions of Gary Gilmore in Utah in 1977 and John Spenkelink in Florida in 1979, the execution rate remained low for an extended period. Yet on the day of the rescheduled execution, after family members of his victims had traveled to Terre Haute, Ind., to witness the execution, a District Court granted Mr. Lees request for further review. Nearly eight-in-ten (78%) say there is some risk that an innocent person will be put to death, while only 21% think there are adequate safeguards in place to prevent that from happening. Four of the eight inmates were ultimately executed, while four received stays of execution. Now that weve covered what to look for in those death penalty articles, lets get to some more concrete examples. Opponents counter that it is an immoral and costly practice that is particularly vulnerable to racial bias. 18 Sep, 2015. For example, is life in prison without the possibility of parole a sufficient sentence? The author ends by calling executions grotesque and, as the title suggests, cruel and unusual, no matter the method. The best way to explore the pros and cons of death penalty laws is to read an argumentative essay on this issue. In fact, being pro-death penalty is a pro-life position. Asian American adults are more divided, with half saying the death penalty deters serious crimes and a similar share (49%) saying it does not. Pew Research Center conducted this study to better understand Americans views about the death penalty. What historical factors have spurred capital punishment reform in the United States? Furthermore, a 2009 survey of criminologists revealed that "over 88% believed the death penalty was not a deterrent to murder.". Web. Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021. A nationwide shortage of sodium thiopental, the barbiturate anesthetic used in lethal injections, emerged in 2009 after the only pharmaceutical plant in the United States approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to manufacture the drug announced it was stopping production. A post accompanying this report provides further detail and analysis of the mode differences seen on this question. At sentencing hearings, the prosecution and the defense present information about the defendant's character and background; they also submit arguments for either stern or merciful treatment. Web. Despite this surge in federal executions in 2020, state executions reached their lowest number that year since 1991. 1. When she's not working, she's constantly trying to expand her creativity through music, writing, art, and animation. "Capital Punishment." What its about: Although this article does not explicitly state an anti-death penalty point of view, it does have those undertones. The move provoked immediate debate, as public support for capital punishment had reached historic lows in many states and regions of the country. After America's Most Wanted aired a pro-gram about him, McDuff was arrested in 1992, convicted, and given two death sentences. One of the most popular topics for an argument essay is the death penalty. European drug manufacturers objected to capital punishment procedures, and the European Commission banned the export of drugs used in lethal injection procedures in 2011. Both the mean and median age of the nation's death row population was 51. You have probably had to write about a fair share of boring essay topics, but this time, youve been dealt a topic that you think is completely played outthe death sentence. Web. Execution Saves Innocents. Boston Globe. Partisanship continues to be a major factor in support for the death penalty and opinions about its administration. 38 Death Penalty Information Center, State Studies on Monetary Costs (2017). Death Penalty. National Journal. Despite comprising less than 15 percent of the US population, African Americans comprised more than half of the nearly four thousand people executed from 1930 to 1967. It was a chilly afternoon outside the Allan B. Polunsky Unit, a maximum-security prison for death-row inmates in Livingston, Texas. The death penalty provides immeasurable public benefit by discouraging people from committing capital offenses. Be aware of biases. The Innocence Project has proved the innocence of 18 people on death row who were exonerated by DNA testing. Proponents of the death penalty say it is an important tool for preserving law and order, deters crime, and costs less than life imprisonment. Puzzled, all of his main dormitory. However, just 26% of Democrats who favor the death penalty say that Black and White people are equally likely to receive this sentence, and only 6% of Democrats who oppose the death penalty say this. The Eighth Amendment, however, prohibits the government from enforcing "cruel and unusual punishment," which several lawsuits have used successfully to challenge certain applications of capital punishment. An execution was scheduled for later that day, and a sense of foreboding filled the air. However, a worldwide poll conducted in 2006 indicates that 52% of the world's population supports the death penalty. As inhumane and morbid as it may sound, the death penalty is something that should remain in the United States. This books brings together original work by prominent scholars in an effort to better understand the growth of life without parole and its social, cultural, political, and legal meanings. Yet support for the death penalty is strongly associated with a belief that when someone commits murder, the death penalty is morally justified. According to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), incarceration rates of racial minorities skyrocketed in the decade following the McCleskey decision. Capital punishment enables the state to assert its authority over the people and serve in its role as the administrator of justice. As of March 2021, the death penalty had been abolished in twenty-three US states and the District of Columbia. Courts handed down death sentences fairly frequently until the 1960s when the practice began to face growing moral, legal, and political opposition. What other ideas do you have? But as a legal issue, it is straightforward. All things being equal and fair, the death penalty is a suitable punishment for a select number of crimes. some members of Mr. Lees victims families opposed his execution. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972), the Court invalidated existing death penalty laws because they constituted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment. Among Republicans and Republican leaners who favor the death penalty, 94% say it is morally justified; 86% of Democrats and Democratic leaners who favor the death penalty also say this. The term death penalty is sometimes used interchangeably with capital . How the Death Penalty Saves Lives. U.S. News and World Report. Death penalty is associated with both pros and cons as it is examined below. Lower Drinking Age. What its about: This article does not seek emotional appeals to the readers, but cites the e statistically fewer numbers of death penalty sentences and executions. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Recreational Marijuana Legalization. The death penalty ensures that the individual involved will no longer be able to create havoc for the general population because they are no longer around. Among Black adults, 53% of those without college degrees favor the death penalty, compared with 34% of those with college degrees. The abolitionist movement to end capital punishment also influenced state legislatures. The less access to abortion, the greater the. States could only acquire the drug by importing it from abroad, sometimes improperly. In a pro death penalty article, the author ., free digital access to The New York Times, Expedited Spree of Executions Faced Little Supreme Court Scrutiny, barring the execution of juvenile offenders, people convicted of crimes other than murder, The Death Penalty Can Ensure Justice Is Being Done,, free daily writing prompts for remote learning. This way no innocent lives would be sentenced to death. Read the overview below to gain an understanding of the issues surrounding the death penalty and explore the previews of additional articles highlighting diverse perspectives. While conservative Republicans are more likely to express support for the death penalty than moderate and liberal Republicans, clear majorities of both groups favor the death penalty (82% of conservative Republicans and 68% of moderate and liberal Republicans). What Are the Pros of Abolishing the Death Penalty? It also carries the risk of carrying out a wrongful execution. Given the long delay that had already occurred, the Justice Department asked the Supreme Court to lift the order so the execution could proceed. Only 30% of death penalty supporters and just 6% of opponents say adequate safeguards exist to prevent innocent people from being executed. Theyll look over it and give you suggestions to make it the best it can be. When he signed the bill, Northam referenced the disproportionate use of the death penalty against Black men in the state and the 170 prisoners sentenced to death row who had been exonerated after capital punishment was reinstated in the United States. People with four-year college degrees (68%) also are more likely than those who have not completed college (50%) to say that Black people and White people are treated differently when it comes to the death penalty. For this analysis, we surveyed 5,109 U.S. adults from April 5 to 11, 2021. Nearly seven-in-ten adults (68%) who have not attended college favor the death penalty, as do 63% of those who have some college experience but no degree. Law School students learn crucial lessons in 'Capital Punishment in America'. This means checking out sources from different states and different sides of the political spectrum. Purification, one of the most central of biblical themes, reveals to us both the temporal and eternal perspectives on humanity. Here are some tips. The United States Constitution expressly contemplates capital crimes, and Congress has authorized the death penalty for serious federal offenses since President George Washington signed the Crimes Act of 1790. Bryan Stevenson. Is it morally wrong? U.S. News and World Report LP, 29 Sept. 2014. The government is granted the authority to execute a person if certain conditionssuch as arrest, indictment, and trialhave been met. Anyone can read what you share. The analysis suggests that adequate provision of counsel by states in death penalty cases correlates to reduced imposition of death sentences. Since then, the Trump administration has executed 13 inmates, more than three times as many as the federal government had in the previous six decades. The answer was unequivocal: He would stay as long as it took. Most people who write about the death penalty have an opinion one way or the other about it. Last year, in part because of the coronavirus outbreak, fewer people were executed than in any year in nearly three decades. A majority of conservative and moderate Democrats (57%) say that a death sentence is morally justified when someone commits a crime like murder, compared with fewer than half of liberal Democrats (44%). With no legal ability to impose a punishment other than execution, some juries chose to hand down verdicts of not guilty, a trial outcome known as jury nullification. All cases were related to ongoing state-level efforts to reform capital punishment laws. "violent crime has declined 11 percent, with murder showing the largest decline at even more than 22 percent. Between 2000 and 2020, with few exceptions, the number of state executions performed annually dropped each year, with the exceptions of 2017 and 2018. In the US, that number is 65%. In his final statement, Mr. Purkey apologized to Jennifers family for the pain he had caused, contradicting the claim of his lawyers that he did not understand the reason for his execution. Across educational and racial or ethnic groups, majorities say that the death penalty does not deter serious crimes, although there are differences in how widely this view is held. On July 17, they did. What its about: Jacobys article tells of then-governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romneys plan to create a fool-proof, error-free death penalty. "violent crime has declined 11 percent, with murder showing the largest decline at even more than 22 percent. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. In Support of the Death Penalty An article detailing the argument for the death penalty. The American people can decide for themselves which aspects of that process should be considered shameful.. Even if you have a firm opinion, you need to understand the other arguments out there so you can counter them. After reviewing the matter, the court granted the governments request, rebuked the District Court for creating an unjustified last-minute barrier, and directed that the execution could proceed. What its about: This article, like the one above, is more concerned with problems within the structure of the death penalty than with whether or not there should be a death penalty. The decision to seek the death penalty against Mr. Lee was made by Attorney General Janet Reno (who said she personally opposed the death penalty but was bound by the law) and reaffirmed by Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder. It also gives in-depth information about the lethal injection drug shortage and statistics on the publics views on the death sentence. More than eight-in-ten Democrats (83%) instead say that Black people are more likely than White people to be sentenced to the death penalty for committing similar crimes. Contemporary arguments for and against capital punishment fall under three general headings: moral, utilitarian, and practical. Overall this article points out the flaws of the death penalty system in Texas, but does not take a stance against the concept of the death penalty in general. In Gallup's most recent poll, 67 percent of Americans favor the death penalty for those convicted of murder, while only 28 percent are opposed. From 1972 to 1976, thirty-five US states revised their death penalty laws. The court determined that the unequal and arbitrary application of the death penalty to African American defendants violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Anti-death penalty campaigners have been hoping the Biden administration would end the federal death penalty and commute sentences of the remaining 45 federal death row inmates to life imprisonment. Why its a good source: This article includes strong points to work from and presents everything in a straightforward way. That process creates peace for the victims, their families, and society in general. Eliminates sympathetic reactions to someone charged with a capital crime be considered shameful is strongly associated with pro death penalty articles for students crime... To Use capital punishment reform in the past, support for the death penalty in an additional three states,! 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