once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

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David and Hook arrive back, but without the sextant as Pan got to it first. When Emma receives her dose of medication from Nurse Ratched, Henry pushes it away and shows her the Author symbols that tell how the final battle can be won, but Emma remains unconvinced. Emma doesn't know how she can help either of them with their grief, but she's going to try because no one should have to go through that alone. Admitting to running from past foster homes, Emma stubbornly insists she will continue to run until finding a true home. Together, they discover Regina is keeping quite a few secrets, such as embezzlement of fifty thousand dollars from the treasury and land she bought from Mr. Gold to build a house in the woods. Emma offers Mary Margaret the option of taking her car and leaving for Boston or going back to the jail. He doesn't see the chances as very likely since Henry has been continuously misbehaving since her arrival in town. Emma tries to convince Henry that the reason David got lost a few nights back by the Toll Bridge is due to amnesia. At the docks, James and Cruella prepare to send Emma and Robin into the River of Lost Souls, except David and Hook intervene in time to save them. Drawing from her own experience, Elsa argues that having the support of loved ones is not enough, and for Emma to truly be happy, she must embrace the good and bad that comes with her own magic. #captainswanfanfic Additionally, Gerda requests that Ingrid be freed from the urn and states she truly loved her sister and regretted trapping her away. "Look, I'll make you a deal; I will unlock those handcuffs if you tell me everything you know"she said sternly. From this, Emma realizes she can't give up the darkness yet because she needs to use it one last time to save her loved ones. Using magic, Emma undoes August's binds and the pair share a friendly reunion. With no more use for either woman, Mr. Gold prepares to hurl a fireball at them, but Henry arrives to absorb the crystal's magic into a replica of the Holy Grail. They corner Tinker Bell outside a cavern, but an unharmed Regina attests to the fairy's innocence. Emma shrugs off her this concern since her only interest is getting Henry back. He has other ideas, however, and kisses her. As I hung up the phone I heard Ruby say that Mary Margret was on her way. While her husband sees his infant daughter in a basket, Snow White sees her teenage daughter in a pink gown. Aesop, morphing into Gideon, reveals the tear-stained napkin is his way of cutting off Emma's communication with her beloved, and she won't get Hook back unless she helps him kill the Black Fairy. Emma makes another attempt at magic when Anna rushes in with a scroll written by Gerda and reads it out loud. She then convinces her mother that she would rather wait for the right time to walk down the aisle, and for now, she and Hook are happy being together as a couple. Past Dragon Queen. They exist, they're just off doing something else nice. "Hello Emma, Mary Margret, what brings you here?". To get Emma out after a tremor causes debris to fall, Hook convinces her that they will find another way without the ambrosia. As they walk towards the pawn shop, her parents attempt to get Emma to open up to them. enchantress, clarissa. Looking at photos Sidney took when he was spying on her for Regina, she notices an image of herself arguing with the Snow Queen. However, the only one without any regrets is Regina since each one of her deeds led her to Henry. It smashes, and between the broken glass and wet flowers, she finds an audio spying device. As they travel, she expresses admiration for what Regina is doing for Marian. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He implies to them that there might be something down in the tunnels to prove the curse is real. Robin, getting injured after intervening, nearly loses his life to Percival, who David stabs and kills. The trio is transported into a memory, where they learn Mr. Gold was destined to be a Savior and fight a great evil, but this evil turned out to be the Black Fairy. She consults with Mr. Gold for a permanent solution to be rid of her magic, and he presents her with a spell capable of this feat. Where the hell was Killian, I could hear my daughter screaming in pain. Snow convinces Charming that they'll use Maleficent's egg since she believes a child of a dragoness will be evil by nature. As Hades fulfills his deal with Mr. Gold, Emma sneaks in, arriving in time to stop Pan from taking Zelena's heart. Taking a page from her mother, Emma considers that Mary Margaret is giving up too easily and believes there has to be another way. ("A Bitter Draught"), While Emma and Hook are at the diner, Henry arrives to show them his compiled list of Untold Stories residents. In a test to reach the ambrosia, Emma offers her heart up for judgment by placing it on one side of a weight scale. ("Changelings"), With the sword, Emma, Regina, and Hook head to the vault, in the hopes of learning more about the weapon, but they run into the Queen at Robin's grave. Emma then humorously notices Hook entertaining Ashley's daughter by dabbing his nose with cream and making funny faces at her. As such, the tree will kill those who feel regret, so he brings up guilt-worthy moments from each person's past. After sending Henry to her house, Emma and her family try to figure out Mr. Gold's current location in Storybrooke. This time, however, she sees the handle of the sword that kills her has a red jewel on it. All three casualties are taken to the hospital as patients. Using GPS, they track Henry to a Boston bus stop, only to find he left his phone on the bus to throw them off. When he continues to raise the price, she shouts at him desperately, unintentionally choking and levitating him. He states she may be a serious threat if she manages to break free from the Dark Realm and come to Storybrooke. While Walsh is away from the table during dinner, the pirate man, Hook, gives her an apartment address that she must see to know the truth about her family, who desperately need her help. . Out the blue, Emma asks Neal would he go back to the Enchanted Forest if there was a way. She makes him drop the heart and release Emma and Mary Margaret. Afterwards, Emma runs scans on the box for fingerprints. First an injury and the coming winter delay his leaving Erebor, then word from the Shire leaves him mourning his beloved Bag End. But if she would have known the circumstances under which her prayers would be answered, she would have taken them back. The sheriff and the mayor are married and have embarked on a mdlg relationship. Hook's shadow flies in to deliver a broken wand to Emma, who realizes Hook is in danger after she sees the shadow drop Killian's hook. Emma asked. I know you can do it." Gideon shows up to attack her and manages to corner her into the mayor's office, but Henry knocks his uncle down, allowing Emma to escape out the door. With her parents, they decide to place Regina in a jail cell for protection and then confront Mr. Gold for his misdeeds. To help dilute Snow and David's joint curse in the hopes of breaking it, she is one of the many people to ingest a liquid form of the curse. ("Ill-Boding Patterns"), In the loft, Emma shows off her engagement ring to Snow and Henry before deciding to hold off on planning the wedding until Gideon is caught. David returns after attempting to contact Neal, but he tells Snow that the booth has been destroyed on Hades' orders. Upon finding Auntie Em, Emma makes quick work of explaining what happened to Dorothy and giving her a bottle to blow a kiss in. She also shows them a sword she found under her bed, but her parents shrug it off as a coincidence since the armory was cleaned recently. Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. ("Nasty Habits"). "Killian, um hi, what are you doing here? Mr. Gold lets her know about what Cora could make him do if the dagger is in her possession. Emma insists she didn't have a choice, though Regina recalls Emma has said many times there is always a choice. At the courthouse, Cleo tells Emma about her red jacket, which is her "armor" protection, and she advises the blonde to learn how to protect herself. Whisked off to sheriff duty, Emma and David follow Cruella and Ursula to the pawnshop. As she drives by Regina's house, Emma spots someone climbing out the window. Emma assures him that it was still worth it because, for a moment in time, he made people believe in magic. Emma's goodbye letter, whose envelope is titled "for my family", The text page next to Emma's illustration in, The in-show inspiration for the character of Emma relates to the story of ", The scars featured on Emma's chest in the. Hook refuses to accept this and asks what happened in Camelot, though Emma dances around the question, citing that it'd be no fun to give him a straight answer. David gives Elsa a shepherd's crook, and from it, she hears her sister's heartbeat. From Henry, she learns the others haven't come back yet, to which she realizes something must've happened to them. Emma tasks herself with finding a portal to take the Arendelle natives home, but has no leads until Hook, seemingly with Mr. Gold's help, discovered a realm door in a mansion. "Dad, what are you doing here?". As the mirror explodes, Emma and Regina are thrown out to safety. After freezing her parents to keep them from getting the dagger, Emma briefs Regina about stopping Arthur's plans by freeing Merlin. While her parents get the key for the Sorcerer's mansion, where the book is, Emma confides in Regina about Liam's warning. Escapades with mommy Regina and Little Emma with a hint of DSQ! Rather than waiting for his return, Emma and Regina use magic, causing an eclipse to cover the moon, and their shadows to stop reflecting. Then, he bites into the turnover and collapses. Snow fears this means Hades is going to attack Storybrooke, to which Emma to suggest both her parents should return home. While Emma is still at the library later, she briefly opens the storybook to a page of her and Killian dancing at the ball during their time travel stint. Emma used to wear glasses, but later, she switched to contact lenses. ("Pilot"), In 1989, Emma and some children from her group home visit a movie theater in Minnesota to watch the Disney film, The Sword in the Stone. ("Lady of the Lake"), Returning to the safe haven, the four women find that the camp has been attacked and no one appears to be left alive. The final Once Upon a Time fanfiction with Emma and Hook is another very popular story with nearly 40,000 hits. Mr. Gold convinces them to abandon the plan in favor of his own idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to sneak both himself and Emma to Hades' lair. Emma wants to turn herself in so the cops will save Cleo, but the latter encourages her to keep running and to start her life over. According to herself, Emma has been in many relationships that failed. After he is gone, she asks Henry if strangers usually come to Storybrooke. Emma pushes Regina into Cora, and distracts them long enough for her and Neal to run to the backroom as she seals the doorway with another barrier. Unfortunately, it backfires when Henry eats it instead to prove a point and slips into a coma. She goes to check up on Hook, but then traps him. Together, they investigate the farmhouse cellar, which is now mysteriously open. Only when Henry prepares to kill Regina to avenge his grandparents, Emma freezes him with magic, after realizing this world is fake because she would've never wanted her son to become a murderer. Emma then grabs the flame ember from Nimue's chest, while a beaten Nimue retreats after reminding Emma that she'll be in her head if her services are required again. David once again dislikes the location, so Emma proposes that they might have to work with it since they can't use the royal castle in the Enchanted Forest. Although she justifies her plan, stating that Zelena has killed without remorse and deserves to die, Hook won't stand for her murdering a person just to ensure their future together. Child Emma. ("Family Business"), From a spell Belle deciphered, Emma practices lighting a special candle to create magical binds on the Snow Queen. Mary Margaret reveals Cora, while pregnant with another man's child, was once engaged to Leopold, but Princess Eva deliberately wrecked it. He leads her to the basement, where Excalibur is buried in the stone, tempting her to unite the sword with the dagger to be rid of any hope of light inside her. In a conversation with Henry's therapist, Archie, Emma is urged never to use the word "crazy" as it could damage the boy. It is mostly fluff with the possibility of sexy times in the future. I ran up the stairs to see what was wrong. After some playful banter, she pushes Hook into a long, passionate kiss, but pushes away stating it's a one time thing. The twosome reach a beach where Elsa follows the pendant's glow until it fades, but Anna is nowhere to be found. A Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction: A thirteen year old girl is mysteriously found unconscious at the docks in Storybrooke. She warns about her superpower to detect any lie, which leads Henry to plead for her to come home with him to Storybrooke, Maine. Later, Neal alludes to how he met Hook in another world. That night, Emma breaks into the courthouse to search for more files. The next morning, she can't shake the feeling something is off with Henry and thinks things over at the dock. Emma is reluctant to snuff out her parents' only chance to be uncursed, but Snow is confident she will find another way to help her and David. The door is locked, so Emma kicks it in. As she passes him the book of symbols, her hand tremor returns. Regina nor the beans are in sight and the last time someone entered the office was by an override code. Suddenly, Robin Hood approaches, introducing Marian to Regina, so the three of them can talk. While Ingrid knows Emma might not see her as a mother, she'll gladly be a big sister to her. As her body dissolves into mirror shards, she returns Emma and Elsa's lost memories. Overhearing her words, Henry runs off as Emma realizes Regina purposely made her look bad. Later, she is on night duty patrol since Graham excused himself with other priorities. Later, Emma tries talking to Lily, who insists she has moved on in life with a husband and daughter. Rather than David, the prints are Mary Margaret's. To find more magic, the Dragon advises that they seek magic with the power of belief. I answered and he told me that the twins were on there way. He offers to help them return home, but insists no more portals exist. As she is leaving Storybrooke with the children for Boston, her car breaks down. Tension fills the air when Emma blames Regina for the current dilemma, to which Henry intervenes. She held her in a tight embrace and she breathed in a familiar scent. When asked if she has heard about. In the yellow bug, Emma sits beside Hook as she watches him put on his new deputy badge, and after Hook puts the flashing siren on top of the car, Emma answers the radio before driving down the street. After assuring a concerned Henry that she is fine, she answers her phone and learns about a fight that broke out at Aesop's Tables. The next morning Emma awoke, went to fix breakfast, and went to wake up Henry. Emma drops the sword off at home before sneaking into the diner to leave a farewell note to her family. Regina, having doubts about Zelena's claims, heads to the vault for evidence of their familial connection. He lies to her about the spell being too intense for the town because it'll reduce whole buildings to rubble, so she agrees to meet him at a manor in the forest. Emma encourages him not compromise himself for the sake of someone else and then laments about her own future death by remarking she won't always be there to mother him like she can now. David started nodding to himself before looking up at Emma. As she opens the door, David is on the other side. Before things get too awkward, the trio focus on heading to a replica of Emma's house, where the basement is blocked by a barrier. Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. The women argue over the issue until Emma's anger is tapped into, and she unintentionally lights a fire on the wood. Emma finally allows herself to cry and dabs her tears on a napkin, which Gideon unknowingly keeps. Despite that Regina pushes her to stay out of the situation, Emma ignores her advice and she, along with Mary Margaret and Graham, look over security tapes in the hospital from last night, which show John Doe getting up and walking out the back exit into the forest. ", "Thanks Regina, I'll talk to you later." She, however, points out her savior status only exists because they made her this way at the expense of someone else's child. Everyone except Mr. Gold heads out, and with Granny's tracking skills, they are reunited with Henry. Later, Neal sneaks them into a closed amusement park where Emma learns he once had a loving home but ran away once his father changed too much. The showdown ends when Mr. Gold summons the dagger and stabs Pan as well as himself with it; killing both of them. When Regina finds out that child was hers too, she turns to Emma for comfort. Emma and Snow find a field of pixie flowers, but the Black Fairy orders Gideon to destroy all of them. [3], Unsure whether their child will be good or evil, Snow White and Prince Charming touch the horn of a unicorn to glimpse their baby's future. On the journey back to Tinker Bell's tree house, Emma settles the rivalry between Hook and Neal by stating the only person she is choosing is Henry. And not everybody is equally happy about them. At the nearby bar, Will tries to leave without attracting Emma's attention, but bumps into a waiter carrying wine, which spills onto her dress. He instructs her into introducing herself to the horse, but the steed becomes frightened of her, sensing her darkness. When Cora has to choose between Regina or the dagger, she picks the weapon. I nodded my head. Before Hook leaves, she tells him that whatever he's not admitting from his year in the Enchanted Forest no longer matters to her. Emma escapes, while Cleo later dies. ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), Intending to sharpen her magic skills against Zelena, Emma agrees to be trained by Regina. Now her life has taken a complete turn. Instead, Emma kidnaps Zelena, intending to put Hook's darkness as well as her own into the witch, and then kill her as a means to extinguish the darkness for good. Henry had hopes of being in the Enchanted Forest, but a new operation in Storybrooke is fun too. "Why are you so happy, I'm pregnant, David is going to kill me then Killian." Maybe I don't do everything for Gabriel like I thought I would Great storytelling with horrific grammar. Before she can, Ingrid pulls out a stone and takes away her memories of their exchange. "Use your words, sweetie." They rush to Jasmine after hearing her cries for help, but they soon discover this was a ploy by the Queen to draw them in. ("We Are Both"), Emma learns Cora is Regina's mother, and is discouraged by Mary Margaret from speaking to her any further. When they are caught by a customer, Emma feigns labor pains. ("Quite a Common Fairy"), At the camp base, Emma elaborates on their strategy for entering Pan's headquarters from the back after Tinker Bell talks her way in through the front. Having learned from the Author that Cruella is powerless and this was a ploy to turn their daughter towards darkness, David and Mary Margaret arrive to stop Emma, but they are too late. Due to Emma's insistence, David promptly leaves. As David and Hook advance in, Elsa forms icicles and causes an avalanche that traps herself and Emma on the other side. When she points at the list Tamara had as evidence, Neal admits that he gave it to her so she could adjust to the town easier. A few nights back by the Toll Bridge is due to amnesia arrive back, but without the as! Way without the ambrosia him the book of symbols, her parents return. A pink gown, heads to the hospital as patients husband and daughter is due amnesia... Make him do if the dagger is in her possession because, for a moment in time however. 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