a study conducted by osha showed that nearly

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It should focus on the known target organs of commonly used HDs (skin, kidney, bladder, hematopoetic) (Polovich, 2011). Arch Environ Health, 51(4), 310-314. With the development of sensitive assays for certain marker HDs, the past several decades have seen a large effort to assess HD work environments using wipe samples of work surfaces, such as BSCs and countertops, and of the wider work environment, such as floors and door handles. Connor TH [2005]. The full or partial enclosure of a potential contaminant source; The use of airflow capture velocities to capture and remove airborne contaminants near their point of generation; and. Fenech M [2008]. Drug residue may be present on the outside of vials received from manufacturers and distributors (Kiffmeyer, 2000; Nygren, 2002a; Mason, 2003; Favier, 2003; Connor, 2005; Gilbar, 2005; Touzin, 2008; Schierl, 2010; Hama, 2011; Power, 2014). However, some agents, (e.g., Adriamycin) can be acutely corrosive in a single exposure (Chabner and Longo, 2010). Organizations should establish a mechanism by which those workers who are actively trying to conceive, are pregnant, or are breast-feeding can request alternative duty or protective reassignment. J Occup Med 32:508-12. A population-based study of worker occupation and leukemia in two Midwestern U.S. states also found an increased risk of leukemia in nursing and health care workers (HCW) (Blair, 2001). CFR. USP <800>, TJC, NIOSH, and ASHP include periodic evaluations of the HD list, facilities, and worker training. Use NIOSH certified respirators (NIOSH, 2005). A fragmented set of state registries collects cancer data, but the occupation of patients is not typically included. Most recently accessed December 15, 2015. These recommendations apply to all healthcare settings where employees are occupationally exposed to HDs, such as hospitals, physicians' offices, and home healthcare agencies. To help readers interpret the "low dose" description, the NIOSH work group cited a series of publications authored by pharmaceutical industry toxicologists that describe industry "performance" practices for defining "low dose" effects. Current Standards OSHA Regulations OSHA does this by setting and enforcing standards, providing training, outreach, and education, and creating and enforcing regulations. In the thirty years since the publication of OSHA's technical guidance on HD safe handling, the scientific literature on this topic has grown tremendously. Fair Law, Unfair Practices? OSHA [1986]. Some goggles will fit over corrective lenses. Established in 1970, OSHA is a federal regulatory agency that promotes the safety and health of American workers. [http://www.fda.gov/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/howtomarketyourdevice/premarketsubmissions/premarketnotification510k/default.htm]. Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) - A system for standardizing and harmonizing the classification and labeling of chemicals. ASTM tested "chemotherapy" gloves should be worn when counting and pouring HDs, and C-PEC designed for non-injectable HDs should be used (USP 800, 2016). The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption to our working lives in the short term, and is likely to change the way that we work in the long term. The good news for these workers -- who overwhelmingly do not want to return to the office full time -- is that their employers largely foresee making remote work a permanent offering, at least . Visual examination of the shipping container for signs of damage or breakage; If shipping containers appear damaged, USP <800> recommends the following additional action (USP 800, 2016): Enact facility policies to determine whether the package will be sealed and returned to the supplier or whether it will be opened; If the intent is to return the package to the supplier, enclose the package in an impervious container, label the outside container as "Hazardous", and contact the supplier for instructions. These bags should be sealed and then discarded. Effectiveness of a closed-system device in containing surface contamination with cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide in an I.V. Constantinidis TC, Vagka E, Dallidou P, Basta P, Drakopoulos V, Kakolyris S, Chatzaki E [2011]. CSTDs are not a substitute for good work practices or pre-cleaning of HD vials. most educated ethnic group in america. A study of occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs and fetal loss in nurses. A number of studies using surface wipe sampling to detect marker HDs on surfaces in compounding and administration work areas indicate that traditional syringe/needle and open IV set techniques may be insufficient to control HD contamination (Connor, 1999; Connor, 2010). J Occup Environ Med 37:145-50. 2004. Tumor induction by cytostatics. Accordingly, hazard training and safety practices must include hazardous drugs in tablet form. Employees should work below eye level to reduce the chance for eye exposure. Attempts to remove marker HD contamination with detergents and vaporized hydrogen peroxide have been met with mixed success depending on the HD and the cleaning method (Roberts, 2006). Pressurizing HD vials should be avoided, as it strains the septum and may cause the HD to aerosolize and escape the vial as a powder or liquid (Nygren, 2002; Spivey, 2003, Tans, 2004). Chemotherapy Safety Standards. Since 1964, the U.S. One disposable scoop for collecting glass fragments. Available from CETA website: http://www.cetainternational.org/reference/CETACompoundingIsolatorTestingGuide2006.pdf. Medical surveillance for antineoplastic drug handlers. FDA [2014]. The interval between exams of individual workers depends on the opportunity for exposure, the duration and intensity of exposure, and (possibly) the age of the worker. 2004-165. Lyon, France. HSE (Health and Safety Executive) [2003]. & \text { b. } Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. Moreover, the most recent U.S. study of nurses working as recently as 2001 (that is, many years after OSHA and professional organizations published safe handling guidance, and presumably influenced safety procedures) documented statistically significant excesses of spontaneous abortion in nurses with first trimester HD exposure (Lawson, 2012). Bonassi S, Znaor A, Ceppi M [2008]. An eyewash station and/or other emergency or safety precautions that meet applicable laws and regulations should be readily available (USP 800, 2016). All C-PECs used for manipulation of sterile HDs should be externally vented (USP 800, 2016). Contents or a summary of the training sessions; Names and qualifications of the persons conducting the training; and. USP <800> identifies appropriate equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE) and work practices for handling both sterile and non-sterile preparations of HDs (USP 800, 2016). 2010-167 (September). NIOSH prepared a Workplace Solution in 2009 on Personal Protective Equipment for Health Care Workers Who Work with HDs to provide guidance on the PPE needed to safely handle HDs (NIOSH, 2009). The driver was having difficulty unloading the blocks because the truck was parked at a steep angle. Due to the reproductive and developmental toxicity profile of many HDs, professional organizations whose members handle HDs and NIOSH now have proposed providing employees who are pregnant or actively attempting to conceive with the option of alternative work assignments that do not involve HD handling (Polovich, 2011; ASHP, 2006; ISOPP, 2007, NIOSH 2015). Summary tables of much of the data presented below can be found in the scientific literature (Sorsa, 1985; Rogers, 1987; Connor and McDiarmid, 2006). Technical assistance bulletin on handling cytotoxic and hazardous drugs. Waste containers stored inside the C-PEC should be sealed and decontaminated before removing from the C-PEC for discard, due to the potential HD contamination on the outside of the container (ASHP, 2006). Biosafety Cabinetry: Design, Construction, Performance, and Field Certification. Boiano JM, Steege AL, Sweeney MH [2014]. Naumann BD, Sargent EV [1997]. Many feature a filtered, vented spike to facilitate reconstituting and removing HDs during the compounding process. Am J Hosp Pharm 47:1033-49. USP <797> standards and other guidance documents do not exempt the CACI from the use of appropriate PPE for HD compounding (USP 797, 2012; ASHP, 2006; NIOSH, 2004). These four types are described below: Class III BSCs are totally enclosed with gas tight construction. OSHA [1995]. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. Turci R, Minola C, Sottani C, Coghi R, Severi P, Castriotta C, Del Bianco, Imbriani M [2011]. NOTE: An appropriate NIOSH approved respirator must be used for either powder or liquid spills where airborne powder or aerosol is or has been generated (OSHA, 2011b; NIOSH, 2009). Contract workers certifying or servicing these devices should be made aware of the HD risks posed by these tasks and should use the same PPE that compounding staff uses when cleaning HD spills (USP 797, 2012). OSHA provides training, outreach, and education to help workers and employers understand and comply with the Act and its standards and regulations. One of the power lines passed directly over the well (32 feet above the ground). Nygren O, Gustavsson B, Strom L, Friberg A [2002a]. Am J Ind Med 36(1):159-65. A research group wishes to determine if the average hou; Would you reject the null hypothesis at a = 0.01? The agency develops and enforces safety and health standards in the workplace. International Agency for Research on Cancer. IV administration sets should be disposed of intact. And the impact of this new illness has been borne disproportionately by the healthcare and healthcare support . NSF/ANSI 49-2011. USP Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical compoundings-sterile preparations. USP <800> states that compounding personnel of reproductive capability should confirm in writing that they understand the risks of handling HDs. 2010-0078-3177]. All ventilated equipment should be certified operational using the appropriate standards. Reusable protective eye/face gear and respirators should be cleaned with mild detergent and water after use. USP's drug standards are enforceable in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration. Detection of contamination with antineoplastic agents in a hospital pharmacy department. An alternative is the use of a CSTD adaptor, which should achieve a dry connection between the administration set and the HD final container. Staff who may be required to wear respirators must be fit tested and trained in accordance with OSHA's RPS (OSHA, 2011b; NIOSH, 2009). In addition, establish procedures for cleaning and decontaminating work areas and for proper waste handling and disposal of all contaminated materials, including patient waste (NIOSH, 2004). [2015] Adherence to Precautionary Guidelines for Compounding Antineoplastic Drugs: A Survey of Nurses and Pharmacy Practitioners. The special case of administration of drugs via aerosol nebulizer treatment can lead to measurable air concentrations in the breathing zone of workers who provide the treatment (Harrison, 1988) and, depending on the medication, air concentrations may result in symptoms in exposed workers (Balmes, 1995). Medical Surveillance for Healthcare Workers Exposed to Hazardous Drugs. Hand hygiene in healthcare settings. BSCs and CACIs should not be overcrowded to avoid unnecessary contamination with HD residue and possible interference with laminar flow for puncturing critical sites (ASHP, 2006; USP 797, 2012; USP 800, 2016). [DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. Plante R, Malenfant R [1998]. 2009-106]. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) [1991a]. 2014-138]. Not more than 3,520 particles (0.5 mm and larger) per m3 should be counted during material transfer, with the particle counter probe located as near to the transfer door as possible without obstructing the transfer (USP 797, 2012). Personal protective equipment (PPE) - Items such as gloves, gowns, respirators, goggles, face shields, and others that protect individual workers from hazardous physical or chemical exposures. Discuss how knowledge of the timing and amounts involved can aid the planning process. Type B2 (total exhaust): These Class II BSCs maintain a minimum inflow velocity of 100 feet/minute, have HEPA filtered down-flow air drawn from the work area or the outside, exhaust all air to the atmosphere after filtration through a HEPA filter without recirculation inside the cabinet or return to the work area, and have all contaminated ducts and plenums under negative pressure or surrounded by directly exhausted negative-pressure ducts and plenums. Fact sheet No. Its primary mission is to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for American workers by setting and enforcing standards. Inhalation, especially of drugs that vaporize, is an additional exposure route, and at least one study of automatic dispensing machines of oral tablets indicates that these devices may generate dust of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) during the counting and dispensing process (Fent, 2014). Specialized settings (e.g., operating room or interventional radiology departments) may infrequently be involved in HD handling. The results suggest that the crisis may accelerate some workforce trends . Work practices and policies of hospital pharmacists preparing antineoplastic agents. NIOSH [2005]. NIOSH [1990c]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. OSHA also conducts inspections of workplaces to ensure compliance with the Act and its standards and regulations. Sterile HD compounding should be performed in a C-PEC that provides an ISO Class 5 or better air quality, such as a Class II or III BSC or Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolators (CACI) (USP 800, 2016). Which of the following is one of the purposes of OSHA quizlet? Since the EPA lists of hazardous wastes have not been updated since the 1980s, EPA's Office of Inspector General has strongly recommended that EPA conduct a review of drugs that have entered the market since that time, particularly chemotherapy agents, to determine which drugs should be managed as hazardous waste, in order to protect human health and the environment EPA OIG, 2012). One elimination type surfactant, dish washing liquid, was found to be an effective cleaning solution (91.5 percent of contaminants removed), but the exact formulation of the solution was unknown. Containment Segregated Compounding Area (CSCA) - A segregated room that is restricted to preparing low-risk HD CSPs with a 12-hour or less BUD or a segregated room that is restricted to preparing non-sterile HDs. 2:I -214. Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Guidance for the Management, Use and Disposal of Hazardous Drugs, http://armypubs.army.mil/med/DR_pubs/dr_a/pdf/tbmed515.pdf, EPA Inaction in Identifying Hazardous Pharmaceuticals May Result in Unsafe Disposal, Emerging EPA Regulations of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners Standards. ACOEM (American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine) [2011]. NIOSH and ASHP have provided the following guidance on the selection respirators to protect against exposure to HD: All gowns, gloves, and disposable materials used in HD preparation should be disposed of according to the facility's HD waste procedures and as described under this review's section on Waste Disposal (Section IV. Analysis of construction fatalitiesthe OSHA database 1985-1989. Limited studies have been done to select an appropriate and successful cleaning procedure for HD vials (Touzin, 2008; Lamerie, 2013). Sotaniemi EA, Sutinen S, Arranto AJ, [1983]. Nygren O and Aspman O [2004]. What is OSHA What is its purpose quizlet? | Learn more about Sivi Varghese's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting . As such a pad may absorb small spills, it may become a source of HD contamination, and that contamination may be transferred to other surfaces (ASHP, 2006). C-PECs used for non-sterile compounding do not need to have ISO 5 air quality. Examples of these regulations include the Hazard Communication Standard and the Personal Protective Equipment Standard. 1.2 . Hon CY, Chua PPS, Danyluk Q, Astrakianakis G [2014a]. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a United States federal agency with the primary mission of protecting worker safety and health. 85-111. Importantly, some HDs possess male mediated reproductive toxicity and, therefore, alternative duty should also be extended to male employees, especially those with a history of inability to conceive (HSE, 2003). ONS [2013]. Request for Information on Alternative Duty: Temporary Reassignment for Health Care Workers Who Work With Hazardous Drugs. Connor TH, Shults M, Fraser M [2000]. Lyon, France. We take your privacy seriously. Thoroughly clean and decontaminate the C-PEC. NIOSH [2010]. Newer agents, such as high level disinfectants containing hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid, may provide alternatives to bleach when used in HD equipment cleaning programs. Under the final OSHA cadmium rule (29 CFR part 1910), monitoring of biological specimens and several periodic medical examinations are required for eligible employees.These medical examinations are to be conducted regularly, and medical monitoring is to include the periodic analysis of cadmium in blood (CDB), cadmium in urine (CDU) and beta-2-microglobulin in urine (B2MU). Lancet II:1284-5. 63:1736-1744. admixture area. i-Sight's powerful case management platform streamlines your investigative process and provides the data you need to analyze results, prevent incidents and protect your employees. Castegnaro M, De Meo M, Laget M, Michelon J, Garren L, Sportouch MH, Hansel S [1997].Chemical degradation of wastes of antineoplastic agents 2: Six anthracyclines: idarubicin, doxorubicin, epirubicin, pirarubicin, aclarubicin, and daunorubicin. NIOSH and ASHP recommend the use of a CSTD in conjunction with engineering controls, PPE, and work practices (NIOSH, 2004; ASHP, 2006). Accidental injection from the use of needles or contact with broken glass fragments is also of concern. Lawson CC, Rocheleau CM, Whelan EA, Lividoti Hibert E, Grajewski B, Spiegelman D, Rich-Edwards JW [2012]. Evaluation of decontamination efficiency of cleaning solutions on stainless steel and glass surfaces contaminated by 10 antineoplastic agents. Works by two authors. [DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. Recent NIOSH investigations suggest that employers, supervisors, and workers may not be fully aware of the hazards of operating cranes near overhead power lines or may not implement the proper safety procedures for controlling these hazards. Hazardous Drug (HD) - Any drug identified by at least one of the following six criteria: Laminar Air Flow Workbench (LAFW) - A primary engineering control designed for use for compounding non-HDs. Operate the crane at a slower-than-normal rate in the vicinity of power lines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Effectiveness of cleaning of workplace cytotoxic surface. The environment should be cleaned after each treatment to remove residual drug from surfaces. (Connor, 2000; Larson, 2003; Kiffmeyer, 2002). Le J, Ashley E, Neuhauser M, Brown J, Gentry C, Klepser M, Marr A, Schiller D, Schwiesow J, Tice S, VandenBussche H, Wood GC [2010].Consensus Summary of Aerosolized Antimicrobial Agents: Application of Guideline Criteria: Insights from the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists. C-PECs used for sterile compounding should be disinfected routinely, per USP <797> (USP 797, 2012). Department of Health and Human Services. Genetic pathways in therapy-related myelodysplasia and acute myeloid leukemia. The process safety management section sets forth requirements for managing the hazards associated with chemical processes. As discussed below in more detail below in the section on Hazard Communication, OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard requires all employees to be trained in the hazards of HDs used their work area, the means used to detect HD presence or release, the procedures employers have implemented to protect employees from HDs, and the employer's hazard communication program [29 CFR 1910.1200(h)]. ISOPP (International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners) [2007]. [http://www.jointcommission.org/] [http://www.jointcommission.org/improving_Patient_Worker_Safety/]. December 2009. The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL). 2012-150 (June). CACIs should be certified to CAG-002-2006 or current (CETA, 2008; USP 797, 2012). Positive Pressure Room - A room that is at a higher pressure than the adjacent spaces and, therefore, the net flow of air is out of the room. Once a spill has been initially cleaned, have the area re-cleaned by housekeeping, janitorial staff, or environmental services per facility policy. Pittsburgh, PA: Onc Nurs Soc. Ann Occup Hyg 49:611-618. A study conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) showed that 377 (65%) of 580 work-related electrocutions occurred in the construction industry during the period 1985-89 [OSHA 1990]. http://www.acoem.org/Reproductive_Developmental_Hazard_Management.aspx. Psychology. Since sharps and potentially infectious materials may also be included in the trace contaminated materials, such containers should be managed as biohazardous waste under the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard [29 CFR 1910.1030(d)(4)(iii)] (OSHA, 2012a). Vol 50. Standard test method for resistance of protective clothing materials to permeation by liquids or gases under conditions of continuous contact. Employers shall ensure that overhead power lines are de-energized or separated from the crane and its load by implementing one or more of the following [29 CFR 1910.333(c)(3); 29 CFR 1926.550(a)(15)]: De-energize and visibly ground electrical distribution and transmission lines at the point of work, Use insulated barriers that are not a part of the crane to prevent contact with the lines. Selective delivery of pentamidine to the lung by aerosol. "Physical hazard" means a chemical that is classified as posing one of the following hazardous effects: explosive; flammable (gases, aerosols, liquids, or solids); oxidizer (liquid, solid or gas); self-reactive; pyrophoric (liquid or solid); self-heating; organic peroxide; corrosive to metal; gas under pressure; or in contact with water emits flammable gas. All air is HEPA filtered. OSHA Quiz Find Tens of Thousands Exams, Test Answers and Flashcards in Any Category at Quizzes Studymoose Upgrade Your Brain (415) 230 53 00 . Current belief is that dermal absorption of HD residue from contaminated surfaces is the primary route of exposure for at least some agents, such as cyclophosphamide (Kromhout, 2000; Fransman, 2004; Fransman, 2005). Date accessed December 2014. J Environ Monit 4:739-732. HD contamination has also been identified and quantified on gloves and other PPE through the use of sensitive assays of marker drugs of cyclophosphamide, fluorouracil, and methotrexate. Cancer mortality among women employed in health care occupations in 24 U.S. states, 1984-1993. Competency programs for evaluating safe handling technique have been established using non-toxic products, such as fluorescein, which fluoresces under ultraviolet light, or red dye, which is visible under normal light. [https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2007-151/]. Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) - A U.S. government regulation designed to ensure that the hazards of all chemicals produced or imported are classified, and that information concerning the classified hazards is transmitted to employers and employees [29 CFR 1910.1200(a)(1)]. However, several lines of evidence support the toxic potential of these drugs if handled improperly. HD aerosols may escape and expose healthcare workers during administration of drugs by inhalation. Clean and decontaminate the drain spillage trough located in the C-PEC if so equipped. Removal of contaminated clothes, stockings, etc. Kiffmeyer TK, Ing KG, Schoppe G [2000]. Ann Occup Hyg 58(6), 761-770. This may be sought by the employer as a matter of policy, or may be provided by the worker when a personal medical risk factor places them at additional risk of health harm from work exposure. USP <800> states that personnel transporting HDs should be trained and their competency documented. GTB0131. For non-sterile compounding, the ventilated controls should be cleared of unnecessary supplies to avoid transfer of HD contamination to them during compounding tasks (USP 800, 2016). These pauses in breathing can last at least 10 seconds or more and can occur up to 400 times a night. A laminar airflow workbench (LAFW) or compounding aseptic isolator (CAI) should not be used for the compounding of an antineoplastic HD (USP 800, 2016). Rudolph R, Suzuki M, Luce JK [1979]. As he began to pull away, the crew supervisor yelled to him, asking if the crew could use his water hose to wash out the cement bucket suspended from the crane. These findings demonstrate that employers have failed to sufficiently protect all personnel potentially exposed to HDs. During sterile compounding of HDs, barrier garments should be worn to prevent the shedding of human skin and hair cells, and the deposition of mucus or respiratory residue into the compounding area. CDC twenty four seven. The Safety Plan should be reviewed annually, updated as necessary, and evaluated for effectiveness. A plan should be in place for disposal of HDs delivered for home use and other home contaminated material by the employer and should follow applicable regulations (Polovich, 2011). Vertical airflow C-PECs (Class II or III BSC or CACI) differ from horizontal airflow devices in several ways that require special precautions. This section includes requirements for hazard identification and assessment, hazard control, and safety and health training. American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). Evaluate alternative work methods that do not require the use of cranes. See Appendix B of the HCS -- Physical Hazard Criteria. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. Model state pharmacy act and model rules of the national association of boards of pharmacy. These standards are harmonized with the NIOSH 2004 Alert and with ASHP 2006 guidance (NIOSH, 2004; ASHP, 2006). ASHP also recommends having procedures and kits for immediate treatment of workers with direct skin or eye contact with HDs (ASHP, 2006). Connor TH & McDiarmid, MA [2006]. Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Joint Commission. Findings demonstrate that employers have failed to sufficiently protect all personnel potentially Exposed to HDs purposes of OSHA?... Evidence support the toxic potential of these drugs if handled improperly with chemical.. Cm, Whelan EA, Lividoti Hibert E, Grajewski B, Strom L, a... 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Per facility policy operate the crane at a slower-than-normal rate in the if! Associated with chemical processes Shults M, Luce JK [ 1979 ] accuracy of a device., Chatzaki E [ 2011 ]: Design, Construction, Performance, and Certification! Should confirm in writing that they understand the risks of handling HDs (. Dallidou P, Drakopoulos V, Kakolyris S, Arranto AJ, [ ]... Cleaned after each treatment to remove residual drug from surfaces, TJC NIOSH... Znaor a, Ceppi M [ 2000 ] may escape and expose healthcare workers during Administration of drugs by.. Environmental Protection agency ) [ 1991a ] & McDiarmid, MA [ 2006 ] develops and enforces safety Health... Are totally enclosed with gas tight Construction with the NIOSH 2004 Alert with. During Administration of a study conducted by osha showed that nearly by inhalation a, Ceppi M [ 2000 ], connections & amp ; more visiting! < 800 > states that personnel transporting HDs should be cleaned with mild detergent and water after.... 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