deliverance from spirit of anxiety

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One thing I know for sure is that God doesnt want you living in a depressed state. 4. 2 Timothy 1:7. Thank you so much for writing about this! O Holy Comforter, the weakness of our flesh supply. Not even Satan can snatch us out of His Mighty hand! It could no longer deceive me. You see it doesnt even sound remotely like God to not help. I believe Jesus was/is real and died for us to be accepted by God and free and clear of our past, present, and future sins. #jenniferleclaire #awakeninghouseofprayer #propheticchurch #fortlauderdalechuch #southfloridachurch #spiritualwarfarechurch, Who's going to do the bowing? God is not done with you Ian, if you have made Jesus lord of your life and have invited Him into your struggle, nothing can stop Him from rescuing you and showing others that no matter the age, or how long the struggle, God still moves, heals and teaches us how to walk with Him and experience victory. To press on. I thank God everyday I finally got on the right meds I pray every day though as well and follow a routine. They want me to continue emailing back and forth, yet give me very vague responses. TELL THE SPIRIT OF DEPRESSION IN THE NAME OF JESUS THAT TODAY ITS ASSIGNMENT ON YOU IS OVER! You could blame it on things, like a negative outlook, a lack of purpose in life, or bereavement. Sometimes we give into fear over time and allow the spirit of fear to gain more control in our lives. The therapy waves head I heard about. The Kundalini or serpent spirit (in Greek, puthon or python; see Acts 16:16) is a demon that attempts to crush the human spirit and inhabit a human body. Through depression, I was rescued from a life lived for the wrong purpose, an exhausting existence in a dry, harsh territory and delivered to a new land, blooming with joy and watered by peace. Then i say, no, you dont get to just sit there. Hi..maybe ask her to analyse her intense emotion that makes her want to self hurt,once she realises what she wanted to do is self hurt, realisation itself can help reduce the feeling of wanting to hurt selfask her to be kind to herself and says its ok when she wants to self hurt,over time it will be lesser and lesser the more awareness you have to it,at same time ask her to pray for deliverannce but she has to be strong in faith..she can do that by prayers and study bible and follow the laws in bible and do confessionsand she can take up some physical hobby like sports .. Its HIS power that does it, not our own strength or might. I cancel all the devil's assignments against me, my family, and my household in Jesus name. No one makes me feel uptight, angry, or stressed, and no one forces me to react negatively. You are complete in Him. Thanks so much. If You are with me, who can be against me? God gave us a Spirit of Power over allll ur power and his presence is here right now that thrusts you out and makes you flee like lightning. By the Spirit of God indwelling you. Drive yourself along the highway, motorway or wherever you live. I BELIEVE GOD, and kept repeating it. Excellent write-up. Delivered from the Spirit of Fear. He gives you rest, peace, joy because of who he is. I have been divered from these dark spirits. Depression and anxiety are tough to deal with, Ive been for 40 some years on and off. Call in the troops! When I started to seek the Lord for insight into the nature of the Octopus spirit . There is hope in Christ HE is LIFE. Maria, where are you? If you know depressive thoughts have bound you or your Only believe! Physical love and touch is something we cannot obtain from God directly. I had never opened the door (of my heart) before, because I didnt know I had to. I was perplexed by this. Not true at all. Dear Edwin, God has a plan for you. 4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. He wants to stand us on our own two feet, to face the enemy in our own confidence and using the power of Jesus name. Believe that He died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead three days later. Its refreshing to know that God is on my side and is for me! 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 205 I mailed it off and received a check in the mail out of nowhere a day later. You are his little girl and hes got this. Satan has no authority over your body, or your life, but he can sure intimidate usto think he does. But even if you don't, I know I don't have to be a slave to my fear. Your email address will not be published. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven, on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that He is LORD (MASTER), He HAS delivered us from the POWER of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his Son. Once you understand who you are in Christ, the enemy can no longer fool you. This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series The Solution to Fear. The fight is over what youre going to believe in your heart. On all our sides. He said I AM THE WAY. I wanted deliverance from anxiety at any cost. So, if you are someone struggling with life right now, you must know that there is always light waiting for you at the end. You know that sometimes life and the circumstances we face are just hard. Hello Heidi. He ALREADY GAVE YOU ALL THE POWER you will EVER need. You can schedule a phone appointment (its Free) @ (956)792-8154 You are not born with it, or get it at baptism, or confirmation, neither does it happen by following religious rituals. read it through, and then just read the highlighted words. If you keep your faith in him and trust him lean not on your own understanding. When they are discovered, this is their downfall providing we use what Jesus has given us and that is the gift to cast out demons in His name. It has done wonders for the emotionally challenged. The woman was demon possessed, and had been dealing with a number of issues, including anxiety and fear. Other instances when i am at end of my rope, i sit down and say, God, i cant do this! 2 Timothy 1:7 GOD HAS GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF POWER. He said, my power is made perfect in your weakness! I have dealt in Deliverance for many yearscall at 717 284 2724. I am not going to keep asking Him to deliver me because He says He already did when Christ died and rose and gave you a Spirit of Power. Deliverance from Anxiety We have talked about our physical health, our relationship with God, our mental thoughts, and practical ways to deal with panic and anxiety, and all of it is good.However, I can teach you all of these things, and it won't change the fact that you still have a wolf staring you down, gnawing at your ankles and trying to devour you. Go through the motions of having the sword of the spirit in your hand, and slash it out of your life! God says there IS a Way out! Hi Dorothy. Fear can be a natural human emotion, but it can also come from a demonic spirit: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7, emphasis added . It is an evil spirita personality that studies us, knows our weaknesses, and knows how and when to attack. He indwells you. It might take a few sessions; but once you recognise an attack is beginning, then go back into warfare. And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. YOU are the one with the power. Praise God that we can be set free from depression, anxiety, and torment, and that we can walk in Gods peace. Restore my soul and break the chains of anxiety and panic that bind me. God Bless! FTLOG Thursday, February 23, 2023, Ministry Discussion topic led by FTLOG Founder, Eduarda Melo, was on Defeating the Spirit of Anxiety! Resist the devil and he will flee. Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 22:52 | Recorded on March 13, 2022. I could almost hear the Lord in my heart say.When are you going to trust me? Deanna just saw ur post. In Ezekiel Chapter 28:13-14, there is a description of Satan as the most beautiful angel with nine stones woven into his garments. And the last book belings to a ministry that helps in many countries , www. Yes, that is part of itbut recognising its first attacknow this is the secret. know how I suffer. If you like, you can call this Ministry of Profetic Prayer Clinic. If you are not a believer in Jesus, accept Jesuss gift for eternal life into your heart. If we use our authority, they shrivel and vanish, once we recognise our power. I will pray for you. I thank God for everyone here who reached out and prayed for you. Glen Hello Sarah I am thankful for this article may the Lord bless you .. You are not alone. He attacks our flesh. The depression lies to convince you it has power over you. Posted by Robert L. Last night we prayed over a young woman who was battling an oppressive spirit that was trying to cause her to doubt her salvation, fears of the unpardonable sin, etc. I have suffered from anxiety and depression since I was a small child. Dear Dawn. Study on how much God loves you. Paul also commanded all believers to pray in the Spirit at all times. BELIEVE. I have seen reports of people being healed very quickly. After a series of events, Rachel (not her real name) began to experience depression and anxiety on a daily basis. I was once in this position. Gods word tells us that His perfect love drives out fear. I come before You to lay my panic and anxiety at Your feet. Little by little you will begin to feel the weight of your financial burden being lifted and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Look here. Tampa, FL 33618, Clearwater, Florida Are you able to track down a devout Christian or a minister that believes in deliverance? sentment that have imprisoned me for so long. You are the one with the power over depression right now. God, right now, even in reading this, is strengthening YOUR hands for battle. The quicker I come to You the better. I will pray for you, but I will pray God open your understanding as to what you already have in Christ. With every mental illness or struggle I believe a root cause can be lack of security and confidence in God and in ourselves. Seeking spiritual deliverance from anxiety is one powerful pursuit but seeking His love for me was the greatest healing I received. I spoke prophetically over her, calling out specific things that she was dealing with and declaring Gods blessing over her. In the Lord I believe he can move mountains by faith I believed for my mom and I have Hope & faith to get my son back that I know . You already have it. We face the world, the flesh, and the devil. Funny thing is, thats when he does and is doing the most work Yes, please pray for me. I totally agree Annas. To think of His anger at my bondage to fear and anxiety completely overwhelms me. Religion cannot save, only a personal relationship with Jesus can. One day, Rachels mom was praying for her and God gave her my name. Im scared that I do not belong to Jesus no matter my acknowledgment of Who He is and of my desperate need for Him to take control of my life. If you ever need someone to talk to or are hurting Im always here. This particular song is playing on the radio as Im writing this . God will somehow work this together for my good. Say i dont believe your symptoms, i believe the Word of God over you. Next after prayers for guidance,form a plan to lift yourself out of the current situation. Isaiah 61:3. irrational fears. Wonderful advice here. I said to the depression, oh no you dont, God gave me power over you by giving me His Spirit. There was a power struggle that took place in my heart. You received the Promise of the Father. When you received the Spirit of God, you received the POWER OF GOD. You need to get this. Am no longer an orphan I have been brought by a price I am adopted never forsaken made whole this sickness of mind body and spirit do not belong to me any more my inheritance in Christ is rich I am the head and not the tail It says he IS WITH US,,,,i will never leave you or forsake you!!! However, I believe he wants us to walk with him and trust him through the wilderness not over or around it. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. Spirit of fear be gone! I am terribly sorry that you are experiencing this. Take the smallest bill you have and focus on paying it off first. Our brothers and sisters in the Lord are simply awesome. Refuse to believe the symptoms and feelings overwhelming you. I understand how hard it can be and feels like it will not let up. Its a showdown. Take Him as your Lord and Master. posttraumatic stress disorder. I am not saying this as a boast. Or to make you believe theres a reason it has the right to stay tormenting you. It comes in like a dark, heavy cloud. After doing the above things this is what I did. He wants to destroy Gods children. In the beginning I was too weak to fast, so I would ask my husband to fast for me. Another Christian who takes something he doesnt understand (depression) and tries to explain it in a way that is unbiblical and completely out of context. He WILL deliver you, The Mighty One! He is equipping YOUto stand against your enemies. I wish I could offer some words of wisdom, but I know that Jesus never abandons anyone. Extra tip: In future, have no involvement with movies or books or listen to anything which is negative. Deliverance Prayer . You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Im going to read it again. In the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of worry, stress, fear & anxiety over your people and . So its okay to feel weak because He is your strength. When I was nursing, I received a gift of faith with a patient who was terminally ill and close to death. Mostly its rebuking and casting away in the name of Jesus. YOU will have fought, and YOU will have won, and YOU will be stronger than ever before. Your email address will not be published. It says he already gave it to us. I learned to recognise when I was attacked again, and over time it began to diminish. Its recognising the first attack, and nipping it in the bud. I recognize I can't get through this alone, and I pray against the very active enemy who is trying to shake my faith and tear us apart. WHO has more power? Buttttt, it knows that YOU DONT KNOW IT, and THATS why it sticks around. I will be praying for you! You are an amazing Warrior of God! Even if you have to work overtime or take a second job for a while. You say, i rebuke you, get off me in the name of Jesus, and again it just sits there. Youre going to get BIG BIG BIGGGG revelation from Him. It challenges and defies because it wants you to doubt and back off. to enjoy. When an anxious thought creeps in, help me to stop and relax, to take that thought captive, and to turn apprehension into a calm prayer for deliverance. Standing on the Word of God is faith. Our minds are affected by our thoughts, so we must take charge of what we think. I suffer from anxiety of sickness lets just say Im that person to google a symptom and believe I have every sickness that relates to that symptom. What is the conclusion then? I struggled with severe panic attacks through the summer and into September. then its not likely that God will grant this. I agree in prayer with the others. Look how far you have come, and praise God for that ground you just conquered and rejoice as a warrior rejoices in the spoils, But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Do not believe that thought. The lessons should be followed in chronological order to derive maximum benefits. Let that sink in for a minute. Fortify these weary bones and remind me of the truth that this pain and panic will not last forever. I am very thankful that the Lord has created humans smart enough to make these medications. Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve victory. The reason a person does not speak in tongues, is simply because they are not doing it, and therefore argue against it. How many emotional spirits are there in humans? There is no worry too small for Him. This seemed to work the trick fairly quickly, because I felt the dark cloud lift almost immediately. There are different things that can cause depression. Jennifer LeClaire and others share now-messages, equipping you to overcome and walk in God's purpose for your life. God is trying to teach youhow to handle his sword. How bad do you want to be free? It was so overwhelming to me . So ask yourself how would you fight in a battle that you were guaranteed to win? do pray for God Jesus angel s holy ghost holy spriti will come over down inside of our house place here jasper Marion county Tennessee state inside of my parent so our mother Martha slatton zeman and our father John zeman and daughter deloreszemans house home two also the same thing about for us our brother Willam Billys zeman his wife and my sister lizebath zeman and her husband mark Nolan andy daughter as in deloreszemans daughter latosha honea zeman and her husband kir and her brother Carl honea zeman as my son as me there mother as deloreszemans take out the all of the evil bad devil Saten all of the devil Saten all of the devil drugs and all of the evil devil alcohol drink ing beers party s and all of the bad evil devil Saten evil bad evil badly real very real bad evil mind thinking real very bad evil thought s of doing takeing bad evil bad devil Saten thing s stuff things of doing evil bad devil Saten evil devil Saten evil devil very real bad and evil bad evil bad real bad fighting evil bad evil devil Saten fight s. I am a 58 year old man and Im a Christian. Remove even the smallest doubt from his heart and allow him to see the complete victory in your Word as the Spirit of God manifests when he uses the Word against this enemy. Hes trying to strengthen you, and hes trying to lead you out in such a way that you will never return to your bondage! We cant just rely on feelings for truth. I want to let you know "Blessed be the Lord my strength, who prepares my hands for war, and my fingers to fight.". It WANTS you to walk away from it. Mine to to write. 1. I inquired from the Lord and He began to guide me and teach me about deliverance, healing and spiritual warfare. You have the authority to decline the invitation to stress by refusing to rehearse the outcome the demonic realm has pictured for you by trusting God. Soon, depression began to settle in and anxiety would keep her awake at night. When I'm clueless as to what to do, Lord, I want to turn to you first, not last. Thank you to every one who replied to my comment. You have the authority to decline the invitation to stress by refusing to rehearse the outcome . You didnt think you got an answer, but you did. Resist that heavy spirit, stand firm, allow the Word to fill your heart, and dont accept ANYTHING less. Why me, Id be so happy if I could just pay my monthly expenses. Is need , because all born again christians need to worship and grothw to be mature . Jesus said in Mark chapter 16, And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. (Mark 16:17-18). Not everyone speaks in tongues, just as not everyone possesses the same gifts. He is turning your worship from God towards him. WHO HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS, Says right there he already delivered you. Recognizing the identity of an enemy is a tremendous first step, but then it must be fought. Its the HOLY SPIRITS SWORD! 7. Thats how incredibly abundant He is. And any attached negative spirits who wish to do me harm of body and soul. Thank you so much To being steadfast. Thank You for Power by Spirit over ALLLLLL the power of the enemy. #Christianliars #lying #liar #jenniferleclaire, Supernatural Peace. 11. You would say oh YES they are by Jesus Christ. No, of course not! I also suggest getting a Christian therapist if you can to help you with coping, and healing. Then it leaves. Fighting a spirit is warfare. Be just as persistent. he addresses people who dont understand all the giant abundant blessings you have NOW, yet people keep begging God to give it to them! I feel like the Lord has a ministry for us together and we both feel called to a ministry. Then you will be able to easily trust him because you understand his personality. You have the power to do this. (Acts 10:44-46), And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. When it comes to breaking free from depression, I believe that every bit of counsel helps. Into the spirit of adoption that cries glory glory to our ABBA Father not by my might but by the blood the word of Jesus Christ the living Christ we are set free from every spiritual bondage and we give all the glory to king if kings lord of lords we sing praise his holy name The times you dont want to are the best Now that we addressed the first objection itll be much easier to explain the second passage that we quoted. And when you do, it knows it won. Take your Bible and place it on the four walls of your home. TELL IT TO GO TO THE PLACE WHERE JESUS CHRIST SENDS IT! Are you going to believe God or the lies of the symptoms tormenting you? The same is true in regards to the gift of interpretation of tongues. Do you read the scriptures? (Related article: How to receive the Holy Spirit and Speak in Tongues (Explained)). I commit Briggett to you and ask you to take over her walk with you. Setting Captives Freeis filled with biblical teaching on the topic of demons and deliverance, powerful testimonies of those who have been set free, and practical prayers that you can use for yourself or others in need of deliverance. Trust in God that you will get through this as long as you hold onto him and remember never be ashamed to ask for help from a doctor or friends or pastors etc love Jenny. Greater is HE who is in us! I am lifting you up in prayer, as well. Hi Maria. Try Him. Gods word says My power is made perfect in your weakness. Paul said, I will boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest on me. I see miracles when i have lost my own strength and i tell God, i cant do this. I just saw your post. Do you really think hes unfaithful to fulfill that in you when he called you into his kingdom? You want to free me from ALL my fears. The devil reaches people through their minds. Sometimes there are seasons in life where you cant feel God, his love or feelings of joy. My husband went through anxiety and panic disorders I had never seen him so scared, he went to the hospital, doctors gave him medication, he became a bit better. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on himin truth. Understand, it DOES work. Fill yourself with the word of God. This, on top of other pressures and painful circumstances, were beginning to add up and satan was taking advantage of her situation. As you command it to leave, it will try its hardest to stay, symptoms may get worse as you press in, it will use whatever tactic to get u to stop. To not throwing in the towel. When i get to end of my rope and nothing is working, i know its time to stop striving and trying and worrying. I would like to explain the gospel in detail. They have helped me greatly during a very difficult time: Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. 17He delivered me from my strong enemy, From those who hated me, For they were too strong for me. Rachel began to take her relationship with God more seriously and allow her identity in Christ to be her foundation. The devil lies through persistence, he doesnt want to give up his post, so he makes you believe that it doesnt work. My heart ) before, because all born again christians need to worship grothw! 28:13-14, there is a tremendous first step, but you did insight into the nature of the.! That God will somehow work this together for my good the first attack and... Angry, or your life deliverance from spirit of anxiety or bereavement to add up and Satan taking... Are with me, Id be so happy if i pray every day though as.. Contact us to walk with him and trust him lean not on your own understanding this... Wish to do the bowing the spirit of worry, stress, fear & ;... 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